Wireless Display Help and Support

  • It might take about a minute for your device to discover the list of rooms availablI'm hear to help imagee for wireless display. 
  • Restart your device: 
    – If you get an error message, for example: “connection failed” or “cannot connect” 
    – If even though you entered the correct PIN, it says “incorrect PIN” and asks to enter the PIN again. 
  • The same room appears twice in the list of rooms available for wireless display. Select the first instance of the room, if you get an error message, then try the second one. 
  • If you have tried the above and still have a technical problem:
  • – Students contact the Library and Student Centre 
  • – Staff contact the Service Desk.
  • If it is not a technical issue but you require support on how to make the most of the Wireless Display in your teaching sessions or would like to arrange a one to one training/ demonstration session contact the LIDE team by emailing blackboard-support@westminster.ac.uk
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