Classrooms – what staff say

Posted on: 27 March 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

a) Classroom technology

  • It needs to be simple and work
  • Standard whiteboards were still quite critical
  • Front position of display can dictate pedagogy
  • Support for mobile ‘lectern’
  • Support for plug and play and own devices
  • Support for capability to display on any wall

b) Basic fixtures and fittings

  • Need good:
    • Lighting
    • Ventilation
    • Bright walls or glass walls
    • Blinds that work

c) Furniture

  • Needs to be lightweight, easily moved
  • Not too much of it in the space available
  • Allowing for fast, flexible re-configuration of the room
  • Need to facilitate group work

d) Layout and capacity

  • Stop with the rows being the norm
  • Innovative arrangements
  • Circles, semi-circles
  • Lecturer in the middle
  • Lecturer not restricted by location of display device

e) Old technology

  • Must still have whiteboards
  • Flip charts
  • Have digital display screen positioned separately to whiteboard
  • Use these old technologies as well as modern display approaches

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