Blackboard Portal – where are we with this?

Posted on: 4 May 2015
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Filed under: Blackboard

The Blackboard portal work continues with its various strands. Soon the project will appoint a number of student helpers to engage with staff on a ‘tidy-up’ of Blackboard sites over the Summer. They will be offering drop-ins and surgeries to support staff in making their site simpler and more consistent.

For our pre-arrival Blackboard offering work has started to identify some of the likely content of the pre-arrival experience. This is likely to include links mainly to existing information needed for enrolment and induction; specific information for international students and a range of help resources which will give students the opportunity to find out about services (including of course Blackboard), processes and procedures which they would normally only become familiar with in face to face induction week.

We also plan to have some ‘fun’ things for pre-arrival and students are helping us design a treasure hunt online for which there will be attractive winner prizes.

The project now has an advanced plan for the information architecture of the new Blackboard and meetings have been arranged with an external design company to begin to look at how to provide each Faculty with their own look and feel.

More updates to follow soon.

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