What We Buried Audiobook (teaser)
Written by: Caitlyn Siehl
Read by: Sofia Lopocaro
With special commentary by the author
In this teaser, you will hear a selection of poems from the second addition of Caitlyn Siehl’s ’ “What We Buried.” With the use of a mix of found sounds, built soundscapes, original scores and voice actors you will be fully immersed in her capturing words about unrequited love.
Duration: 13:03
In: …What we buried by
Out: …completely to yourself
The long anticipated #audiobook of @caytlin_siehl poetry collection, What We Buried is available for pre order now! If you fancy a teaser before you buy, you can listen here ->
Short Synopsis
An experimental audio book that will utilize found sounds, recorded materials, an original score and the voice over artists to illustrate the imagery of the poetry in What We Buried.
This piece will be a mix between an audio book and an experimental audio journey. I feel that poetry lends itself to be interpreted in many ways and therefore a standard audio book would not truly capture the essence of the poetry. By using more experimental treatments woven into found sounds and live recordings I can create a listening experience that will really immerse the listeners into the words.
I will use a voice over artist with an American accent to narrate as the author is American and her words will sound not natural that way.
I want to make sure that listeners feel fully engrossed while they listen to this audio book so I will interlink the poetry pieces and the commentary in a way that it continually flows.
By using different treatments I can also keep the listen engaging and dynamic. A handful of poems will be produced using more experimental techniques and abstract noises. Others will be produced more as soundscapes that reflect the themes and feelings in a selection of poems. And lastly, I will create an original score to use in a few poems that lend themselves to a more stripped back production style.
This new style of audio book production will engage and unite fans of Caitlyn’s; work, audiobook listeners and radio audiences alike.
Proof of Commission:
Music Reporting:
102 (Accoustic)
The 1975
Dirty Hit Record
Accessed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLrqm8F7TgM
Duration used: 00:12
Sites Used:
(image and proof of commission uploaded to backboard as they wouldn’t import here)