Over the past few years, some of the British media and press have found themselves in trouble with the United Nations for their use of language and reporting style when it comes to refugees and other minority groups. Now, there is a campaign in place to stop these articles from being published through the clever idea of helping to remove their funding from advertisers.
IN: “Stop Funding Hate has been running since…”
OUT:”…to deny a basic human right to ordinary people…”
DUR: 9.09″
If you would like to find out more about the campaign you can visit www.stopfundinghate.org.uk and sign up to their mailing list
I first heard about this campaign via Twitter and was soon hooked by the simplistic idea. It wasn’t long until I found the Meetup group where Richard was speaking and met a lot of other like-minded people. It was a great opportunity for me to experience a non-political meetup where I had very similar views to everyone else. I chose to record the entirety of the meetup (2 whole hours to be exact) and there were some great points made by all throughout although I had to pick and choose to fit the piece. It was a very old building and you can sometimes hear cars and at one time a police siren in the background in the clips recorded there which is unfortunate but gave it a bit more atmosphere.
Richard Wilson was very eager to be a part of my piece and was extremely helpful, especially when it came to answering the more difficult questions surrounding the backlash that the campaign is already getting! Unfortunately our schedules clashed and we couldn’t have a face-to-face interview but a phone one still allowed for great answers from Richard.