Apprenticeships Vs University
There is a big debate happening, in which young people are torn over which life style to pick for their future. Do they go to university or apply for an apprenticeship?
I have decided to interview Ashley Robertson who is an academic advisor. I questioned her about her view on Apprenticeships and University, what she believes is the better option, and how she would advise a pupil on what to do.
I also interviewed Oliver Cook, who is a first-year student at University College London, regarding his experience about applying for university, and the help he had at his college about making the big choice.This is my findings from these interviews.
It was always said that University is the way to go forward, because you get a better education and if you are at a degree level you can get any job, which isn’t the case. Its reported that a third of working graduates took jobs as cleaners, office juniors and road sweepers, six months after leaving university. This is after paying an average £9000 to their chosen university in fees, which is usually paid by a student loan, which will take many years to re-pay.
However, attitudes to apprenticeships have also evolved and th-
ey are now recognised as an equal alternative to university. During past academic years almost 30,000 people were working to gain higher and degree apprenticeships. You learn on the job while being paid, so you have a steady income coming in while studying to get an equivalent education level to a degree.
It was initially assumed that most apprenticeships were for engineers, beauticians, construction trades, etc. However, this has now changed and diversified. You can study to become an accountant, a lawyer, or many more professions normally associated with studying for a degree.
With an apprenticeship, you are more likely to keep your job within the company you have been working for, but if not you still have been paid for your studies, and have the qualification, so it’s a win, win situation.
If you are under 25 you will not pay for you apprenticeship. This isn’t the case for a university degree, where you are more likely to finish with an average debt of £50,000.
A disadvantage of an apprenticeship is that you could get paid as little as minimum wage while studying, and also expected to work long hours for not that much money.