Week 1
In this week I created an interview with Amanda Ohlke from the International Spy Museum. I also created logos for our social media, as well as creating our website. While this week I could not run our social medias as putting out content when the station was not live, I ensured that everything was working.
I was informed that the International Spy Museum interview needed to be reedited as the piece was too blocky and did not flow well.
Week 2
This week the social media went live. I put out posts on the social media, both advertising our station before we went live, as well as creating articles to be posted onto our website. I also re-edited my Spy Museum Interview to incorporate the feedback I received.
This week I was told that I needed to give my interview more time to breathe, and to get the interview itself to flow more naturally. I was also told that the social medias should be better differentiated from each other, with Twitter being more linked to the immediate needs of the show, and Facebook being for longer form content.
Week 3
This week I once again ran our social medias, creating more pieces for them, including a poll. I attempted to differentiate the social medias from each other by placing the links to the website articles on the Facebook, while allowing the Twitter to be more about asking questions and generating listener content.
I also interviewed Dr. Krupp from the Griffith Observatory and edited this interview, attempting to make it flow more naturally. I further recorded a number of songs for the use of the station and helped Joe develop his questions for the consumer advice and travel expert sections of the show. I also collated content from Carrie and Milo and added it to the website, as well as creating a more robust social media plan this week.
This week I was informed that the socials needed to be more elaborate, rather than simple questions and that I should link pieces on one social to the others. I was also told I needed to write a better cue for the Griffith Observatory piece.
Week 4
This week I ran the social media again, attempting to follow the feedback from last week and elaborate more on the socials, as well as ensuring they linked in to the show more. I created a number of pieces for the website, as well as collating articles from Milo and Olly.
This week I created the underground piece, but it lacked colour and probably needed more scripting.
I also helped set up the running order and attended production meetings with Joe and Ewan, to establish the ideas for the social medias and to find out which songs needed to be sourced. I then sourced the songs, and added them to the drive, where Ewan could take them to add to the station.
I was informed the Underground Piece needed more colour, and that the social media needed to be more active during the show, helping drive content, not just respond to it.
Week 5
This week I sourced an interview with an NYC tour guide. This piece was alright, but needed more editing, which the unfortunately limited timeframe could not provide.
I again attended production meetings with Joe and Ewan and sourced the required songs, as well as establishing a general running order and social media schedule.
I also created an article for the website as well as updating an image I was informed was wrong. I also ensured Carrie’s article for the website was uploaded.
I also added a contest section to our website when it became clear that one was necessary.
THis week I focused on our Twitter, ensuring that we had plenty of content upon the platform. Sadly this failed to drive engagement, likely due to the small listener pool we had.