As the live show is now only days away it was another very busy week for our Britpop Radio show. The week started with me editing together our promotional video, which is the sequence of three people listening to the show and really getting into the music and singing it to themselves. Before they know it, they all ended up next to each other singing the same lyrics.
Watch the full promotional video here.
On Thursday, we did our first pilot of the show. The day began with working with Joe and Gabriel to figure out what else is needed for the show. So I put together some audio bits for the show in regards to the twitter poll, I also put together a sheet for Joe so he knows what to promote on social media on air and I also helped the ads team by giving them some tips and an extra listening ear to their ads.
During the afternoon, I set up the camera set up for our video of the live artist and dressed the room with extra lighting. Myself and Stuart achieved a nice set up in the room, that felt a very intimate live performance.
Once the show was underway, I was waiting for my queues from Joe to publish tweets and facebook status’. To support the on air content, we also did a Facebook live with Stuart to tease the live performance.
During the live performance, we struggled for a talk back with the studio, so therefore on the live show we are going to get some walkie talkies to ensure we can talk directly to the producer in the studio.
With just a few days to go until the live show, over the next couple of days we will be doing another rehearsal, I will be scheduling posts to go out on our social networks in preparation for the live show. I look forward to the live show!