With the pilot show vastly approaching it has been a very busy week for Britpop Radio. The team have been working hard on ads, finalising show plans, imagining and more. For my role as Interactive Producer, again it has been very busy.
I began the week with continually scheduling content for our Facebook page and updating our website. For the website, I have now added some further music news articles which redirect to our website for people to keep up to date on the latest music news related to content you will hear on the station. After to speaking to Joe P, he agreed that the content that we are putting on social media and the website can be a nice call to action on the radio as he can direct people to the website/social media pages to find certain things we have been posting. To go with this, I have begun working on questions the presenters can ask on the show to encourage people to get involved on social media. Another new feature on the website is the ability for people to register to come along and see our live artist perform in the online competition section.
One of the new things I have begun to put out on social media and on our website which is going to be one of the call to actions for the on-air presenters is the social quizzes. On our website now you can complete a fun quiz which will reveal which Britpop artist you are. I hope to put together more of these shareable and fun quizzes that the audience can take part in, I will share the stats of the quizzes with the presenters as they may want to refer to them on air.
As in my role description to create a promotional video, we have filmed our promotional video which features a variety of people lip syncing to Oasis which I will begin to edit later this week.
This week I have also sourced voiceover artists for our ads team and am in the process of setting up some interviews for the show too. We will also be testing our Facebook live video stream on Thursday during our pilot show as we get ever so closer to the live show!