Cue: We all have that artist or band that we adore and will never stop loving. Some people show this love in just listening to their music and other simply attend concerts when they can. But what about those fans who would do literally anything for the artist they love.
IN: “Every time…
OUT: … not lost.”
Dur: 9’59”
This programme starts with archive audio of famous artists talking about their fans. This is to give the story as a whole a wider context and provides an insight on what artists feel about their fans. One of which includes Halsey who is a singer that inspired me to delve into this story.
Firstly I speak to Claire, she’s a die-hard modern day ‘stan’ and she gives information about herself and stan life and how being a fan of an artist saved her life. This follows from Eddy who has a lot of experience with fans and not only that he still is a big fan of artists and bands to this day. He spoke about the community of fandom and became the centre point person which I went back to, mainly because what he was saying was fantastic especially on his views on how fandom community can help your mental health. I then speak to Richard Houtan, an author of several books about fandom worship and he was fascinating to speak to as he speaks one on one with people about their experiences and he gave an insight on fandoms early years. When speaking about Beatlemania I used an archive piece from Pete Mitchell of Beatles fan who was there in the height of it all.