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What’s really inside of the contraceptive Pill?
> More and more women are using Youtube and blogging sites, to share their own personal opinions about the contraceptive Pill and how they have suffered with side effects that Include depression, panic attacks and anxiety.In the UK it seems that women aren’t getting the right support and advice they need, as medical professionals don’t take mental health side effects of the Pill into consideration, compared to ‘traditional’ side effects.
>Listen to my investigative package as I look into what’s really inside of the Pill. As well as chatting with Vicky Spratt – who has suffered with depression due to the pill, but also headed The Debrief’s, #madaboutthepill investigation in January 2017. I also spoke to Blogger, Charley Bailey, as she previously ran her own blog called ‘Girl on the Pill’, which shared women’s stories and advice about the Pill.
Use the hashtag #whatsreallyinsideofthepill on social media to share your own opinions and views on this matter! Make sure to check out the links below:
> The Debrief #madeaboutthepill investigation –
> Girl on the Pill Blog –
>NHS website:
The Pill is one of the most popular forms of oral contraceptives in the UK. NHS guidelines suggest that when used correctly, it holds a 99% accuracy against pregnancy and can be prescribed for free in the UK.
But more women are using social media platforms, like Youtube, to share own opinions of the Pill. They are suggesting it has caused them to suffer from anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Holly Palmer investigates what’s really inside of the pill and finds out more, about the mental health side effects:
IN: “What’s really inside of …”
OUT: “…using the #whatsreallyinsideofthepill.”
DUR: 3’ 21”