Apotheke Windischgarsten

Welcome to the Research Office blog!

Welcome to the Research Office blog! We hope you will become a regular visitor as we plan to utilise this space to showcase all the news and developments in relation to funding, research development and other topics of interest to our fabulous Westminster research community.

So, what can you expect from the Research Office in the coming months?

  • Increased activity aimed at building capacity and interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly around our new Research Communities:
    • Arts, Communication and Culture
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Health Innovation and Wellbeing
    • Sustainable Cities and the Urban Environment
  • More regular updates in the form of an email newsletter
  • An expanded social media presence. If you haven’t done so already, please follow @UoW_Research on Twitter.
  • Further activities in the mould of our recent EU Research Funding Workshop
  • ResearchProfessional tailored alerts straight to your inbox and ResearchProfessional training sessions across the university (dates TBC)

Do check back regularly and do get in touch with us any research related questions you have over the summer: research-office@westminster.ac.uk.

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