Apotheke Windischgarsten

FUNDamental Cafe – British Academy

Coming off the back of our funding guidance series “FUNDamentals”, we are hosting our first FUNDamental CafĂ©.

The British Academy will be presentating alongside University of Westminster academics and members of the Research Office to share knowledge and experiene to improve our responses to British Academy funding schemes.

To register for this event head over to our eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/westminster-fundamental-cafe-with-the-british-academy-registration-74406033449

Look out for more from our FUNDamental series and future cafes on our blog and twitter.

EDIT: Thanks to all of those who attended this event. Video of the presentations and interview panel can be found here. The British Academy slides are available as a pdf on SharePoint here.

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