The healthiest and unhealthiest offerings from Caffè Nero, Costa and Starbucks.
Reporter: Yueer Wang | Subeditor: Ivelina Nikolova

Credit: the Mirror
The leading coffee chains in Britain have released Christmas drink menus in early November, and they provide customers with nearly 20 choices.
With so many drinks to choose from, we wonder which one you should have if you are watching your waistline, and which one is the best alternative when cutting the calories in your diet. After we dissected the drink reports from Caffè Nero, Costa and Starbucks, we found out the top five most calorific Christmas drinks and the healthiest one.

Credit: z_zeun_
Topping of the chart is Starbucks’ Chocolate fudge Frappuccino. Having been criticised for the staggering amounts of sugar in its hot chocolate, the festival drink from Starbuck still contains 34.46g of sugar in its tall size, which is relative high. And more surprisingly, the Frappuccino has an incredible 315kcal.

Credit: deyath
The next most calorific drink is Caffè Nero’s Tiramisu Hot Chocolate, it contains 291 kcal and 50.9g of sugar- a whopping 12.8 teaspoons, more than double of the recommended daily sugar intake for females in its regular size.

Credit: Starbucks
Not far behind it is Starbucks’ Fudge Hot Chocolate, coming in at 287kcal with 31.3g of sugar.

Credit: get Surrey
It’s Costa Coffee who offers the following unhealthiest drink. Its primo-sized Fudge Hot Chocolate contains 273kcal, with 31g of sugar.

Credit: Starbucks
Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks ranks fifth. A tall measure with semi-skimmed milk contains 268 calories and 30g of sugar.

Credit: Costa
When it comes to the healthiest Christmas drink, Costa’s Salted Caramel Cappuccino only contains 64 calories and 8,8g of sugar in its primo size.