Ofcom’s first report of the year on the BBC came out yesterday October 25th, and pointed out a deep crisis on the appeal the public broadcaster has on a younger audience.
Taking into consideration the 16-to-34-year-old category, the regulator found out a dramatic decrease in the ratings. For instance, BBC online channel Three, which directly aims at young people, could only reach 8% of 16-34s a week.
This suggests a big shift in the entertainment industry and leads to imagine a changing scenario, where the main source of our generation’s contents to watch may no longer be the BBC. Younger consumers now have a wider variety of choices, with YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime video becoming more and more competitive in the market: the report claims that in this context the BBC is not making enough changes, or making them fast enough.
But what do future professionals in the industry think? I asked a poll of 16-34-years-old Media students whether they’d rather work for the BBC or streaming platforms like Netflix in their future careers and why.
Here are their voices on it:
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A Twitter poll revealed, with close results, that the BBC is still preferred as a possible workplace
Words by: Matilde Moro