Young People

Seize the opportunities of green jobs, What Should I Do?Seize the opportunities of green jobs, What Should I Do?

Seize the opportunities of green jobs, What Should I Do?

According to the World Economic Forum’s Youth Recovery Plan 2021, Davos Labs reported nearly 46 percent of young people believe…

3 years ago
Disabled young people facing higher levels of anxiety amid the Covid-19 pandemicDisabled young people facing higher levels of anxiety amid the Covid-19 pandemic

Disabled young people facing higher levels of anxiety amid the Covid-19 pandemic

Health, be it physical or mental, is fundamental to one’s well-being. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, adapting to the ''new…

4 years ago
Should employers go through your social media?Should employers go through your social media?

Should employers go through your social media?

Young people have been brought up in a generation of social media addiction. Everything is documented on the internet and…

7 years ago

Role models and diversity: what we are doing wrong

A conversation with Alex Wheatle, an award-winning black British novelist, to understand how underrepresentation can affect young people and their…

7 years ago

EKAJ: A Film Highlighting Key Issues Amongst LGBT Youth

EKAJ is the debut feature film created by first time female director, filmmaker and photographer; Cati Gonzalez. Reporter:  Sasha Wickenden | Sub-Editor:…

8 years ago