Does fashion shape your identity ? Or does the person you are influence and reflect through the clothes you wear ?

Picture by Demi Bailey-Paul
London is one of the top stylish capitals in the world, it can be considered as the melting pot of the fashion industry, where you can pass by twenty people in the space of one minute and each person that passes you will have a completely different style than your own.

Picture by Demi Bailey-Paul

Picture by Demi Bailey-Paul
The diversity and multiculturalism is what allows fashion in Central London to be so iconic and unique, the carefree attitude of not being afraid to express your individuality is what gives City’s like ours a unique flare.

Picture by Demi Bailey-Paul
The streets have now become the runway as billions of people prance around Oxford Street in their best outfits, but only a few can truly stand out. The fashion forward folks have earned their title as street style icons, becoming trendsetters in their own right, without even knowing that they are becoming fashionistas in the making.
These individuals are transforming and recreating what it means to be ‘high fashion’ as they effortlessly put their own signature mark on an outfit that could be mistaken for designer.

Picture by Demi Bailey-Paul
I wanted to see if people’s style in London is as unique as I had presumed, so I scouted out a variety of people in the Heart of London and asked them what influenced their style.- Watch the video below to see what I got up to !
Words: Demi Bailey-Paul | Subbed:Whitney Ajudua