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About Data Science and AI research at the University of Westminster

REF 2021 recognized Westminster’s world-leading excellence in research related to our communities: fifth overall in the Art and Design unit of assessment; in the Computer Science and Informatics unit, with more than 50% of submissions being in AI & Data Science, Westminster, especially excelled in impact, with one-third of submissions ranked world-leading and another 50% as internationally excellent.

Westminster’s data science and AI research strengths are its diversity and strong internal collaborations, mainly carried out within the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and practice-oriented research developed in cross-school collaboration.


About The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute, headquartered in the British Library, London, was created as the national institute for Data Science in 2015. The institute is named in honour of Alan Turing (23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954), whose pioneering work in theoretical and applied mathematics, engineering, and computing are considered to be the key disciplines comprising the fields of data science and artificial intelligence. Five founding universities – Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL, and Warwick – and the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council created The Alan Turing Institute in 2015.

The Alan Turing Institute aims to make great leaps in data science and artificial intelligence research to change the world for the better and to help make the UK the best place in the world for data science and AI research, collaboration, and business.

Read more on the official website… https://www.turing.ac.uk/about-us


About The Turing University Network

Eight universities – Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Queen Mary University of London, Birmingham, Exeter, Bristol, and Southampton – joined the Institute in 2018. In 2023, the Institute launched an open university network, providing all UK universities with an interest in data science and AI the opportunity to engage and collaborate both with the Institute and its broader networks. At present, the network has a membership of 65 universities from across the UK.

Read more about the Turing University Network… https://www.turing.ac.uk/turing-university-network


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