Start a learning community
Westminster Learning Communities will be a vibrant and dynamic means to foster innovation in learning and teaching using a bottom-up, collaborative, reflective and scholarly approach, and will support the University
Westminster Learning Communities will be a vibrant and dynamic means to foster innovation in learning and teaching using a bottom-up, collaborative, reflective and scholarly approach, and will support the University
We are delighted to congratulate Roisin Curran who achieved her Doctorate in Professional Studies (Higher Education Practice) degree at the University on 23rd February 2017 for her work on ‘A
If you have an idea or topic for a learning community which you would like to explore further with colleagues, use the Marketplace to generate discussion. The Marketplace is a space where you
Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching will be publishing a special technology enhanced learning (TEL) focused edition of the journal. You may wish to share your thoughts via a review
We are delighted to have two National Teaching Fellows at the University of Westminster and we would like to offer our warmest congratulations to Dr Frands Pedersen and Dr Jennifer
University of Westminster staff are invited to attend the Team-based Learning workshop on Wednesday 5th April from 12.30 – 3.00pm (lunch provided), at 115 New Cavendish Street, Room C1.03. The