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Teaching at Westminster course
This Academic Professional Development course is for anyone who teaches or supports learning at Westminster. It is delivered in immersive, experiential and active learning mode.
Talk Teaching Authentic Learning
Is Authentic Learning better than real things? Learn from Andy Pitchford, the Head of CETI, who tells us how and why authentic learning can help us to address future teaching challenges.
DIY toolkit for alternative and inclusive assessment practice
This toolkit, produced by Nottingham Trent University Centre for Academic Development and Quality. is intended to assist programme teams in identifying how they can further improve access for, and inclusion of, disabled students when […]
Students as Partners conference at Wilfrid Laurier University
Shivangi Shah I started working as a Student Partner Ambassador at my university with my amazing colleagues, Fatima, Kyra, Mellisa, Lauren, Rifa, Matheesha and Afshan! As a part of my role, […]