Green Fund
The Green Fund at the University of Westminster is an initiative designed to support sustainability projects led by students and staff. It provides funding for innovative, environmentally-focused ideas that aim to
The Green Fund at the University of Westminster is an initiative designed to support sustainability projects led by students and staff. It provides funding for innovative, environmentally-focused ideas that aim to
A community of academic and professional staff at the University committed to addressing environmental, social and governance issues across our curriculum. The community promotes sharing knowledge and good practice to support
Explore the benefits of universally designed assessments, which empower students to demonstrate their abilities in diverse ways beyond traditional testing. Universally-Designed-Assessments-2016-1Download
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprise a collection of 17 internationally agreed goals to achieve a more sustainable future for everyone in the world. The goals are not just about environmental issues but also focus on economic and social issues.