Feedback from the Furniture Exhibition

Posted on: 28 March 2016
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Filed under: Classrooms

During February and early March we collected feedback from student and staff visitors to the furniture exhibition held in the old bookshop at New Cavendish Street. Thank you to all who came and passed on their views. It has taken a while to collate and try to make some collective sense of the feedback but we have now done this and you can access the current version of the collated view via this link.

In short, finding something that everyone agrees was wonderful (especially chairs!) was perhaps unsurprisingly not possible. However, though the report goes in to much more detail for each item in the exhibition, after counting votes the top 6 of the ‘hit parade’ were (from left to right below) a folding table, a tablet chair on wheels, a 4 sided table (so called tessellating table), a 3 sided table (so called plectrum table), an upholstered basic chair, and (not too clear in the picture below) a table that can seat 6-8 but that has small whiteboards hanging from the sides that can be used to partition the table but also to facilitate group work feedback.

folding table tablet chair tesselating plectrum steelcase chair steelcase tables

Please note that this doe snot necessarily mean that the furniture above will be what winds up in all classrooms being refurbished over the summer. The final choice of furniture is still to be discussed with Faculty representatives.

New Classrooms Go Live

Posted on: 9 October 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

All of the classrooms that formed part of the New Classrooms project are now being used for teaching. You can read what each room contains and watch a short ‘home movie’ of each room by following the links below.

Cavendish New Classrooms

Marylebone New Classrooms

Regent New Classrooms

Harrow New Classrooms


New Classrooms – updated programme of works

Posted on: 24 August 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

Parkeray the main contractors delivering the New Classrooms changes have released an updated programme of work for each room with projected completion dates as below:

Regent RS2.51     07 September 2015
Regent RS3.54     07 September 2015

Harrow A7.01     10 September 2015
Harrow A7.02     10 September 2015
Harrow A7.03     11 September 2015
Harrow A7.04     11 September 2015

Cavendish C1.110    07 September 2015
Cavendish C2.04     14 September 2015
Cavendish C2.07     11 September 2015
Cavendish C2.11     11 September 2015
Cavendish C3.05     14 September 2015

Marylebone C1.76     15 September 2015
Marylebone C1.78     15 September 2015
Marylebone C1.81     16 September 2015
Marylebone C1.80     16 September 2015
Marylebone LA1.03   17 September 2015
Marylebone C1.79     17 September 2015
Marylebone C2.79     08 September 2015
Marylebone C2.80     08 September 2015
Marylebone C2.81     07 September 2015
Marylebone C2.82     07 September 2015
Marylebone M3.21    18 September 2015

Engaging with the new classrooms

Posted on: 17 August 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

Hopefully the new classrooms will look good and will have nice furniture that will suit people and blinds and lighting that are an improvement over what is commonly encountered in current classrooms.

The new classrooms will also have new AV and IT which includes capabilities like wireless projection from tablet devices to the main screens and options for in class recording and brand new, and hopefully simpler control panels to manage all of the facilities in a room from the lecturer’s console.

The first room to be equipped with the new control panel and the new features detailed above is the Hogg Lecture theatre at Marylebone. We will soon make available some instructional videos showing how these new lecterns and control panels work. In addition external suppliers will be offering familiarisation sessions in mid-September for staff – precise dates still to be arranged.

New lectern in the Hogg Lecture Theatre, Marylebone

New lectern in the Hogg Lecture Theatre, Marylebone

Close up of control panel om lectern in Hogg Lecture Theatre

Close up of control panel om lectern in Hogg Lecture Theatre


Classrooms work progress

Posted on: 17 August 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

The external contractors report that they are a little behind overall with the programme of works for the rooms across the 4 major buildings. However it is looking likely that 7 classrooms will be handed over complete with new AV by the 31st August and a further 8 rooms by September 7th. The remaining rooms, mostly at Cavendish, are set to complete by the 21st September at the latest.

Classrooms work has started

Posted on: 25 July 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

Well this is it. Parkeray the external building contractors have started work on all sites. Rooms have been cleared and floors ripped up (amongst other things). Too late to change our minds now….. 🙂

You can view Parkeray’s planned schedule for each building and each room using the links below.

Check back on this blog for photographs as work progresses.


Plan for the new Classrooms Develops

Posted on: 7 June 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

For an outline plan of the works see below (click on the image to enlarge) or follow this link


Classrooms tender being prepared

Posted on: 17 May 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

Some delays have occurred in preparation of the tender for the classrooms refurbishment. In light of feedback and detailed costing the project should now be able to go forward with plans for the re-development of 22 rooms across the estate. The tender is now scheduled for issue on the 21st May and the revised outline plan for the project is as follows:

Tender: 4 weeks (22.05-19.06)
Negotiation: 1 week (22.06-26.06) (Appoint contractor 26.06)
Contractor’s mobilisation:  2 weeks (29.06-10.07)
Construction period: 8 weeks (13.07- 04.09).

Latest from the Classrooms Project

Posted on: 4 May 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

The Classrooms projects is nearing the end of the phase which will see plans go out to tender. Rock Townsend (external design consultancy) and Hewshott (external AV/IT consultants) have worked on the specifications for each room provided by the Faculties. Preliminary drawings were issues just over a week ago to Faculty contacts and the feedback is being used now to finalise detailed drawings for each room.

The detailed drawings for each room will go back to Faculties on the 6th May for a final look before the plans go off with the tender pack to a range of suppliers.

The principal Faculty contacts for this work to date have been:

FABE – Adam Clemens, Harry Charrington and Sarah Speed
WBS – Deirdre Sinclair and David Hitchcock
SSH – Tom Moore and Diane Buckley
FST – Thierry Delaitre and Mark Clements
MAD – Silke Lange and Mandy Addison

Classroom Ideas – Latest Plans

Posted on: 26 April 2015
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Filed under: Classrooms

The classrooms project is now at the stage where more detailed plans from the design company and AV/IT consultants have been produced. Feedback from Faculties is awaited. In the meantime take a look at some of the images/ideas that have been out forward in the designs.

Here’s an overview sketch to give an impression of part of one future room with some ideas for floors, ceilings and walls


And here are some sketches of a planning innovative and space saving lectern, currently being referred to as ‘the box’!




Some possible chair layouts and furniture types:


And finally some images of indicating the kind of direction the project is heading with respect to lighting, decor, power supply and flooring.


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