The resilience research stream explores the developing models of somatic psychotherapy, investigating clinical and non-clinical effectiveness gaps and researching evidence-based complimentary medicine. The goal is to improve wellbeing, productivity, performance and creativity, helping to build a practical understanding of stress and its impact, increasing self-awareness, and boost recovery. Much activity related to this stream centres on knowledge exchange. To learn more visit the Westminster Centre for Resilience website.
Current projects
- Developing Workplace Wellbeing and Resilience using MYCaW (Measure Yourself Concerns and Wellbeing)
- Resilience Hit Refresh program (working with Microsoft UK service team to deliver resilience consultancy, assessments and training)
- Resilience Leadership training and workshops
- Resilience workshops for GPs and allied staff working with the Grenfell community
- Resilience workshops
- Rail delivery resilience workshops