Apotheke Windischgarsten

PR Voices (with SPARKLE) Final Community Event

A rather belated post to update you on our final project community event that took place online on the 20th July 2022. We were very please to welcome members of the SPARKLE project, to talk about the work they have been doing on the other practice research related project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Both project teams gave an update on progress.

The PR Voices team presented findings around priorities for the community in relation to design (beauty), functionality, suggested changes to output types, preservation integration questions, a first look at the draft Cayuse (Haplo) schema, an update on conversations around DataCite, CRediT and RaiD, finishing with an update on the emergent themes discovered thus far.

Please take a look at the slide deck we created if you are interested in learning more.

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