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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation: Shaping the construction/society nexus. Copenhagen, 13-15 April 2011

Posted on: 19 July 2011
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This conference, held in Copenhagen on 13-15 April 2011, was aimed at unpacking the construction/society nexus and discussing the mutual constitution and transformation of practices of production and consumption of the built environment. The production and consumption of construction goods and services are embedded in a network of institutionalised structures and practices, which is increasingly being shaped by the proliferation of new and emerging societal needs and trends. Different concepts and methods such as performance management, user-driven innovation, supply-chain integration and Building Information Modelling have been introduced to develop the sector and address the challenges that arise from these new perspectives. However, what are the consequences for the existing modes of procurement, management, regulation and governance in and of construction, and how are traditional practices, roles and responsibilities transformed as a result? Papers are presented in the following three volumes:

Vol.1: Clients and users

Vol.2: Transforming practices

Vol.3: Construction in society

Urban transport and climate change action plans: An overview

Posted on: 19 July 2011
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Cities around the world are developing dedicated Climate Change Action Plans to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and improve the local air quality for their inhabitants. The transport sector usually plays a crucial role in any such strategy.  This paper summarises the measures outlined in Climate Change Action Plans of more than 30 cities in all continents. Its focus is on the actions proposed in the transport chapter of the relevant plans. However, in many cases other Urban Transport Planning documents (Transportation Master Plans, Land Use Plans, etc.) play a key role for implementing specific measures, while the Climate Action Plans outline the more general goals. The measures initiated to reduce these negative impacts of urban transport take many forms. Increasing the share of public transport and non-motorised modes such as walking and cycling are core elements in many emission reduction strategies, but most often they are supplemented by other short-term and long-term measures. One key feature of most actions proposed is that they provide several co-benefits: many options not only reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality, but also enhance energy efficiency, and, especially in the developing world, contribute to better transport services for the poor. This is a revised version, previously published in April 2009.

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A golden opportunity: London 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games Expenditure and Economic Impact

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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This paper from SQW consultants outlines the opportunities for British business that the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games presents.

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Enterprise zones: Delivering the plan for growth? Initial insights from the would-be “second wave” of enterprise zones

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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Consultants SQW has brought together and analysed information relating to the second wave bid for enterprise zones. The paper provides information on the likely scope, potential and role of the enterprise zone venture in its “new” form, together with evolving thinking with regard to processes of economic development more generally in England almost exactly a year after the concept of Local Economic Partnerships was first aired.

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Adapting to climate change in the UK: measuring progress

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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The planning system has failed to halt a rise in the number of new homes planned in areas of flood risk, according to a report produced for the Government by the Committee on Climate Change. The report from the Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) further argues that coalition Government’s policy of more localised planning could undermine emerging strategic approaches to considering climate change risks. This is the ASC’s 2nd assessment of  how well the UK is prepared to deal with climate change impacts and risks. It sets out a range of indicators against which the UK’s progress will be measured, and focuses on three priority areas of land-use planning, managing water resources, and the design and renovation of buildings as adaptation measures.

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7th Annual International Conference on Tourism. Athens, 13-16 June 2011

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual International Conference on Tourism, organised by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 32 papers and 37 presenters, coming from 14 different countries (Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America). The conference was organised into 10 sessions that included areas such as Tourism marketing, Ecotourism and sustainable tourism, Tourism management issues, etc. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.

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Management and innovation for a sustainable built environment. Amsterdam, 20-23 June 2011

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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A 1905-page volume contains papers from this conference on management and innovation for a sustainable built environment. Topics covered include: Building economics; organisation and management in construction; building research and education; culture in construction; recognising innovation; informality and emergence in construction; global construction data; management for sustainable design and construction; economics of the built environment; whole life cost-benefit-modelling; collaboration and integration in design and construction; socio-technical systems; innovation in construction: theories and best practice. The link here provides an author index together with a search facility allowing you to search by author name or a word from the title or abstract. The complete volume of paper is available at

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Framing and focusing: European resource policies in the context of sustainable development. Szentendre (near Budapest), Hungary, 27-29 June 2011

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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The conference was organized by the European Sustainable Development Network, in cooperation with the Hungarian EU Presidency, and had two main objectives: to broaden the discussion on resource policies in Europe, advocating a more comprehensive approach from a sustainable development perspective, and to develop recommendations for the EU and Member States on integrated resource policies in the context of sustainable development, particularly with regard to the Europe 2020 flagship initiative. A documentation of the conference, including the powerpoint presentations, the conference discussion paper, the conference program, the participant list and a photo documentation can be found online.

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Future homes: Building better lifestyles for an ageing population. London, 30 June 2011

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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This event aimed at exploring projects around considerations for assisted living and modifying homes to provide a comfortable and convenient environment for friends and family members. Videos and slides from all the presentations are available online.

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The Local Area Tourism Impact model results for 2008 and 2009

Posted on: 14 July 2011
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This report provides new Borough level estimates for tourism spend in the capital in 2008 and 2009 for international visitors, domestic overnight visitors and day visitors. A revised methodology section updates on how the 2008 and 2009 estimates are calculated.

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