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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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16th International Symposium on Logistics: Re-building supply chains for a globalised world. Berlin, 10-13 July 2011

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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The theme of the 16th International Symposium in Logistics, Rebuilding supply chains for a globalised world, reflects the changes taking place across the world today in terms of shifting supply and demand for both goods and services, taking as a backdrop the rapid rise of China and India as manufacturing hubs. These changes have big implications for logistics and supply chain planning, representing a dynamic and interesting area of research and practice for both academics and practitioners alike. With this in mind the 16th ISL in Berlin aimed to assemble experts from around the globe to focus on how leading firms and academics are responding to these challenges and debate what this will mean for the future of global supply chain management. Proceedings of the conference (851 pages) are available online, including the latest in academic thinking, as well as case examples of successful logistical implementations.

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Brighton & Hove Sustainability Checklist

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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From 13 July 2011, all applications to Brighton & Hove City Council that require a sustainability checklist must use the new version of the Brighton & Hove Sustainability Checklist. This is the first time a council has required developers to show how much carbon is in materials used for a scheme as well as the energy used for its operation. The 19-point sustainability checklist, also asks developers how much space will be allocated for growing food on schemes, including the number of fruit and nut trees.

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The Interdisciplinary Researcher: Paradigms, Practices and Possibilities for Sustainability

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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This paper provides a summary of the a conference held in Cheltenham on 19-20 May 2011. This international conference brought together researchers, research students and their supervisors to explore practice and possibilities for sustainability research. It was hosted by the ‘Postgraduate Researchers Interested in Sustainability Matters’ (PRISM) network which forms part of the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Programme, based at the University of Gloucestershire. The primary aim of the conference was to support the professional and academic development of future inter-disciplinary sustainability researchers, through an exploration of changing paradigms, innovative practices and emerging possibilities in this field. Its core objectives were to: gain an overview of international developments and trends in interdisciplinary research in sustainability; explore conceptual debates on research paradigms for an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability; to share practice on and opportunities for interdisciplinary research in sustainability.

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Cruise traffic and urban regeneration

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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CTUR is an URBACT project made up of tem European cities looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions in the field of cruise traffic and urban regeneration. The project led by the city of Naples has just published its second thematic journal entitled  “Topics and case studies on economic and social benefits”. Based on the work developed during the seminars by the CTUR network, this document focuses on the economic and social benefits of the whole shore-side system connected to cruise activities in CTUR partner cities.

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Sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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In the autumn of 2011, the European Commission will submit a communication for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector. This study was initiated in 2010 by European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry, unit G5 “Construction, Pressure Equipment and Metrology” with the purpose of analysing the needs of the sector as well as the foundation and feasibility of launching a renewed competitive agenda for the EU construction sector within the context of the Smart Growth Agenda 2020. Specifically, the study: assesses the competitive position of the EU construction sector; elaborates learning points derived from the implementation of the1997 competitiveness agenda; identifies and analyses key factors influencing the current and future competitiveness of the EU construction sector; examines and assesses the regulatory and other framework conditions at European and national level to identify key challenges that the mid-term strategy needs to address; and presents a draft strategy, actions and implementation plan.

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International dimensions of climate change

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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Climate change impacts from abroad could affect the UK more than climate change at home according to a report, published today by Foresight, the Government’s futures think tank. The report shows that the UK will be vulnerable to adverse impacts from climate change abroad. More attention needs to be given to how climate change effects in other countries may have domestic impacts here.

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Assessment and feedback

Posted on: 10 July 2011
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This edition of LINK, from the Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism, focuses on the issue of assessment and feedback. Topics covered include: assessment of group work; the challenges and opportunities of work-based assessment for higher education; a pilot scheme undertaken at Leeds Metropolitan University for assignment submission and feedback through Blackboard; an overview of the student experience of an integrated approach to feedback aimed at counteracting the age-old problem of feedback lethargy; using smart targets and questioning skills in feedback to learners as a vehicle for improving grades; looks at recent developments which allows students to review the work of fellow students; the use of video enhanced feedback in events management education; and CASPAR: a web-based tool for self and peer assessment in group work.

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Posted on: 10 July 2011
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Skills4studycampus is an interactive e-learning resource, designed to empower students to understand, practise and improve four of the core skills needed for successful study : writing; critical thinking reading and note-making; and referencing and plagiariam.  Students are encouraged to complete a wide variety of interactive activities, tests and assessments, to keep personal notes, tags and a learning journal. The learning experience is therefore highly personalised and focused on their individual needs. The resource has been developed by the study skills team at Palgrave Macmillan and is based on the work of Stella Cottrell, the best-selling author of The Study Skills Handbook, Critical Thinking Skills and The Palgrave Student Planner.

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Environmental Research database

Posted on: 10 July 2011
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An improved and extended version of the Environmental Research database has just been launched on a new website. The database of information about 20,000+ environmental research projects and programmes funded by Defra, NERC, the Environment Agency and 17 other public-sector funders, provides a resource for anyone who is engaged in: developing public or corporate policy; planning or commissioning future research; current research; writing about environmental issues and needs to know what has been and is being done in the UK to understand the natural world and human interaction with it, and to develop solutions to environmental problems. The database can be searched for information on projects or programmes, people, organisations or outputs.

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An investigation of the knowledge exchange practices of the end-users of sustainability research

Posted on: 10 July 2011
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The traditional route for academic research is to be published in an academic journal, and subsequent citation of the research is seen as proof of success in academia. However, this route may mean that that the research outcomes stay solely in the realm of academia. This report seeks to understand the knowledge landscape amongst end-users of urban sustainability research in particular. In this study the potential end-users of urban sustainability research are the focus. The broad nature of urban sustainability as a discipline means that these end-users work in a wide range of fields and backgrounds across the public, private and third sectors, and include both practitioners and policy makers. This report concludes with recommendations from this research related to increasing the uptake of academic research amongst urban sustainability end-users.

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