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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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The Retrofit Challenge: Delivering low carbon buildings

Posted on: 6 December 2011
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This report acknowledges that government policies such as the Green Deal, Renewable Heat Incentive, and Carbon Reduction Commitment have encouraged some businesses and households to improve with the energy efficiency of their buildings, but argues that more urgency is needed if the UK is to achieve an 80 per cent cut in emissions by 2050.

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Housing Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

Posted on: 6 December 2011
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This draft document sets out proposed guidance to supplement the housing policies in the recently published 2011 London Plan (LP). In particular, it provides detail on how to carry forward the Mayor’s view that the quality and design of homes, and the facilities provided for those living in them, are vital to ensuring good liveable neighbourhoods. It is informed by the Government’s draft National Planning Policy Framework which will, when finalised, replace previous national planning policy guidance, and by its new Housing Strategy for England. Once adopted, the new Housing SPG will replace the 2005 SPG and the 2010 Interim Housing SPG. This draft supersedes the draft Housing EiP SPG which was published to primarily inform discussion at the Examination in Public into the 2009 Draft Replacement London Plan (DRLP). Comments are requested by 24 February 2012.

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carbonn Cities Climate Registry 2011 Annual Report

Posted on: 6 December 2011
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The inaugural Annual Report of the carbonn Cities Climate Registry (cCCR) was presented to the UNFCCC 17th Conference of the Parties and the global climate community assembled in Durban to reflect the determination of cities to pursue climate actions and to inspire ambitious commitments at the an initial step by local governments to collectively share with the global climate community their contributions to measurable, reportable and verifiable climate action. Over the past year, 51 cities, diverse in geography, economies, size and structure, have voluntarily submitted a range of climate data, presented and analyzed in this report in an easily accessible format.

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Climate change, adaptation strategies and mobility: evidence from four settlements in Senegal

Posted on: 2 December 2011
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In Senegal, migration has long been a key strategy to escape poverty and remittances are an important component of household budgets. This report describes how the impacts of climate change contribute to increasing these already high levels of mobility. Drawing on discussions with local residents, it explores their responses to environmental change and socio-economic and cultural transformations in four locations.

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Tracking adaptation and measuring development

Posted on: 2 December 2011
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This is the first paper in the new IIED Climate Change Working Paper series. As adaptation to climate change becomes the focus of increasing attention and the target of significant spending, there is a growing need for frameworks and tools that enable organisations to track and assess the outcomes of adaptation interventions. This paper presents a framework for climate change adaptation programming, including potential indicators, for tracking and evaluating the success of adaptation support and adaptation interventions.

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Rethinking EU Structural Funds: The future of European economic and social development. Brussels, 1 December 2011

Posted on: 1 December 2011
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Filed under: Events presentations

This joint European Commission and Local Government Association seminar aimed to brief participants on the EU’s initial proposals for the European Structural funds, and launch the debate on how councils can ensure the funds meet local needs in the future. Three presentations from this event are available online.

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Education for Sustainability: Guides for teaching and learning

Posted on: 1 December 2011
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Education for sustainability (EfS) uses approaches specific to the content and concerns of different programmes and subject areas, but also draws upon shared teaching and learning priorities. Critical pedagogies geared to futures and systems thinking, participatory and experiential learning, critical thinking, partnership working and values reflection, are all widely used in EfS across varied disciplines and in inter-disciplinary contexts. To support academic staff in curriculum enhancement in this area, the University of Gloucestershire has developed an institutional framework to provide guidance about these teaching and learning approaches. This covers basic pedagogic methods, approaches to curriculum design and signs of demand among students and organisations for sustainability skills in the graduate employment arena. Using consultation internally and across the sector, the following materials have been developed:

EfS: A guide for university managers on needs and opportunities

This explores strategic needs, benefits and the potential for EfS in the curriculum and in partnership with external organisations, including recent research evidence of demand and interest among students and employers.

EfS: A guide for educators on teaching and learning approaches

This  provides orientation on the aims and principles of EfS, to inform curriculum development work, including pedagogic approaches, definitions and entry points, as well as different ways to bring EfS to life in programmes.

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Waterways: Contributing to the vision for a Greater Manchester

Posted on: 1 December 2011
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A new report by British Waterways calls on councils in Greater Manchester to do more to exploit the benefits of canals and rivers to the local economy. Recommendations include: Regeneration of waterways to be fully integrated in strategic planning across the Greater Manchester Combined Authority; New canal-side developments to maximise the interaction with waterways and an improved canal corridor environment; Policy makers to use Policy Advice Note: Inland Waterways for guidance on how  waterways contribute to the economic, social and environmental agendas.Demonstrate the value of waterways to Local Transport Plan and Local Sustainable Transport Fund priorities, working with Transport for Greater Manchester; Market waterways of Greater Manchester to maximise visitor potential, including currently underused and unmanaged waterspace.

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