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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Cities and flooding: A guide to integrated urban flood risk management for the 21st century

Posted on: 30 April 2012
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Published by the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Risk and Recovery, this new guide warns that urban flooding is “becoming more dangerous and more costly to manage because of the sheer size of the population exposed within urban settlements.” This guide provides forward-looking operational assistance to policy makers and technical specialists in the rapidly expanding cities and towns of the developing world on how best to manage the risk of floods. It takes a strategic approach, in which appropriate risk management measures are assessed, selected and integrated in a process that both informs and involves the full range of stakeholders. Chapters include: Understanding flood hazard; Understanding flood impacts; Integrated Flood Risk Management: Structural Measures; Integrated Flood Risk Management: Non-Structural Measures; Evaluating Alternative Flood Risk Management Options: Tools for Decision Makers; Implementing Integrated Flood Risk Management; Conclusion: Promoting Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management.

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Guidelines for conducting a cost benefit analysis of smart grid projects

Posted on: 30 April 2012
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The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has released a set of guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of smart grid projects. The report extends to smart grids the recent JRC work on guidelines for CBA of smart metering deployment, which served as a technical basis for the European Commission (EC) Recommendation on smart metering deployment, adopted in March 2012.  The study serves as key input to the definition of an eligibility assessment framework for “common interest” smart grids projects, according to the provisions of the EC proposal for a regulation on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure.

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Urban dimension of cohesion policy post 2013

Posted on: 30 April 2012
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The aim of the Background Report on the urban dimension of the Cohesion Policy is to enhance the debate on the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy. Together with other documents prepared for the Polish Presidency it should serve as the starting point for further discussion on different forums and for the formulation of the Presidency conclusions. The document is composed of three main chapters, of which the latter is the most relevant for the further debate as it elaborates on the different issues that need to be discussed in the near future. The first chapter of the document sets out the challenges the European cities are facing, while the second chapter describes how the urban issues have been tackled within the framework of the European Union so far. An appendix includes information on urban issues in EU programmes in the different programming periods as well as information on urban policies in EU-Member States.

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Investigating the potential health benefits of increasing cycling in the Cycling City and Towns

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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This research investigates the potential for delivering public health benefits through increasing cycling amongst different population groups. The results are relevant to local authorities who are making the case for investment in cycling, and considering how best to design schemes to realise the health benefits of cycling.

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Renewable energy: made in Britain

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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This report marks the first time that the turnover and employment figures of the entire UK renewables sector have been quantified and brought together in one place. The report finds that in 2010/11, the UK renewables industry was worth £12.5 billion and supported 110,000 jobs, with 400,000 in total required to meet the 2020 renewables targets. A summary of the report is available online. A full hard copy of the report is available for £25 by emailing with the number of copies you would like, a postal address and payment details – credit card only.

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Shopping centre and high street bulletin: 1st quarter 2012

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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Savills has published its latest research report on the retail property market in the UK.

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Promoting cycling for everyone as a daily transport mode

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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The final report of the PRESTO project summarises the main achievements and recommendations from 33 months of experience and practical knowledge in building cycling cultures in five very different European cities, structured by “starter”, “climber” and “champion” cycling cities. It is intended for local and regional authorities across Europe, bicycle retailers, European institutions and NGOs, or anyone who is working on building a cycling culture.

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QUEST (Quality management tool for Urban Energy efficient Sustainable Transport)

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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QUEST , the Quality management tool for Urban Energy efficient Sustainable Transport, aims  to develop an audit tool that evaluates a city’s urban mobility policies, and to support cities in their efforts of developing more sustainable urban mobility systems. QUEST is co-funded by the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, under the STEER programme. The project started in May 2011 and will finish in October 2013.

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Building Information Modelling (BIM) Task Group

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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The Building Information Modelling (BIM) Task Group are supporting and helping deliver the objectives of the Government Construction Strategy and the requirement to strengthen the public sector’s capability in BIM implementation with the aim that all central government departments will be adopting, as a minimum, collaborative Level 2 BIM by 2012. It is argued that significant improvement in cost, value and carbon performance can be achieved through the use of open sharable asset information.  The task group aims to bring together expertise from industry, government, public sector, institutes and academia. The website will provide the latest news on the programme, linkage to key resources, lessons learned from the exemplar BIM projects and provide a means of contacting the team.

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NBS Educator

Posted on: 26 April 2012
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National Building Specification (NBS) has recognized the importance of teaching specification writing and other skills to students of architecture, surveying, and construction trades. This site takes students through the theory of producing contract documentation and recommends best practice. It also provides teaching resources for lecturers, in the form of down-loadable presentations, which can be adapted for use in the relevant course. BS Educator includes RIBA CPD Assessed Materials covering: briefs; contract documentation; schedules of work; and specification. The site also provides reading lists and links to relevant information sources on the preparation of: heath and safety plans; conditions of contract; production drawings; and bills of quantities. In addition there is list of acronyms and their meanings, together with useful links.

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