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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Possibilities of land management integration into the Green Infrastructure Strategy and the 7th EAP – the Visegrad experience. Brussels, 27 March 2012

Posted on: 10 May 2012
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Filed under: Events presentations

This conference aimed to introduce the outcomes of CEEweb’s Green Infrastructure (GI) analysis on the Visegrad countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), demonstrate current state of play of EU policies in terms of land use and habitats connectivity and inspire a vivid discussion concerning saving our remaining natural heritage. Presentations and report of the event are available online.

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The macroeconomic benefits of energy efficiency: The case for public action

Posted on: 10 May 2012
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A new report from E3G argues that the time has come to consider a second round of fiscal stimulus in Europe, focusing on energy efficiency to drive growth and build the foundations of a sustainable economy.

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Alike in dignity? Housing in Bradford

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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Bradford’s housing landscape is a legacy of its industrial past. This report from the Institute for Public Policy Research focuses on the effects of changes in tenure patterns, especially the trend towards housing benefit tenants residing in the private rental sector, and highlights the significance of non-decent and empty homes in shaping the local housing market. The recommendations of this case study report fall into four categories: localising housing benefit; establishing a new ‘something-for-something’ deal with private-sector landlords;secure residential development; and guide development with solid local plans.

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Islington Local Development Framework: Consultation

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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Islington Council is consulting, with comments requested by 22 June 2012, on further major and minor changes to the following documents:

Site Allocations: this sets out policies and proposals for sites across the borough where new housing, work places, community facilities and open space could be created.

Development Management Policies: this contains detailed policies for making decisions on planning applications across the borough.

Finsbury Local Plan (Area Action Plan for Bunhill and Clerkenwell): this is a 15 year plan to manage future population and economic growth in this part of the borough.

Islington Council is also consulting on three important Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), with comments requested by 11 June 2012. They are:

Affordable Housing – Small Sites Contributions SPD: provides information about the requirements for financial contributions from minor residential planning applications (below 10 units) towards the provision of affordable housing in Islington.

Streetbook SPD: sets out standards for the design of and other works to the public realm applied through the planning process.  This includes general guidance on the principles and process of design development as well as specific requirements for street furniture, planting, trees, public art, the surface treatment and sub-surface construction of footpaths, footways and carriageways.

Environmental Design SPD: provides detailed guidance on key sustainable design topics including minimising energy use and carbon emissions; sustainable building standards; minimising water consumption; enhancing biodiversity; climate change adaptation; sustainable materials; and operational sustainability.

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Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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This report is the first in a series of thematic assessments that European Environment Agency (EEA) is publishing in 2012 to support discussion and development of the ‘Blueprint to safeguard Europe’s Water Resources’. The report builds on earlier EEA reports describing the state of Europe’s water resources and the pressures they face. It focuses on resource efficiency and describes the opportunities for more efficient water use and avoiding pollution across all sectors, while staying within sustainability boundaries.

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Green Freight Europe

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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The initiative GreenFreight Europe, officially launched on 27 March 2012, aims to generate strong market incentives to engage companies across the supply chains in green procurement of transportation services in order stimulate long-term improvements. Therefore, a central database to calculate, validate and benchmark the environmental performance of transportation companies was built and designed. The database is hosted by a neutral and independent body. This way, logistics managers are able to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of their products through green procurement of transportation services. Transportation companies will benefit from attracting climate-conscious customers, understanding their environmental score and getting access to best-practices on eco-efficiency.

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Transport Research & Innovation Portal

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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The Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP) is the new name given to the former Transport Research Knowledge Centre. While still continuing the main services provided in the past, TRIP, together with its new name, now has a new visual identity and new features to improve the services offered to its users. The Transport Research Knowledge Centre (TRKC), was created in 1997 in order to disseminate and promote transport research and innovation. TRIP users will find an improved search engine and a wider projects database, including an enriched record of project deliverables and documents. Former services will continue as in the past: release of thematic and policy Publications, monthly e-Newsletters and a constantly up-to-date Events calendar of major transport research conferences worldwide.

TRIP has started the production of Policy Brochures. These publications share important information about the critical role transport research plays in policy-making, planning and development in the transport and mobility sector. Two Policy Brochures have been released and are available on the TRIP website:

Innovating for a competitive and resource-efficient transport system

The report highlights the contribution of research, development, and innovation in securing a competitive and resource-efficient transport system in Europe.

Towards low carbon transport in Europe

This report highlights the contribution of research and innovation in meeting the EU targets on CO2 emission reduction in the transport system.


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Biennial conservation report on the government historic estate: The tenth report, covering the period 2009-11

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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This report has been produced by the English Heritage hosted Government Historic Estates Unit (GHEU). It provides information about twenty-six individual departments and agencies, which manage heritage assets as part of their estate, with an analysis of how they care for these assets.  Four other bodies which receive public funding (the Royal Household, the Parliamentary Estates Directorate, Historic Royal Palaces and British Waterways) are also covered.  The report is illustrated with examples of recent conservation projects and disposal cases. The annex lists 250 heritage assets (listed buildings, scheduled monuments and historic parks and gardens) which are at risk on the government estate.

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Land Development and Disposal Plan 2012/13

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has updated its Land Development and Disposal Plan, setting out how the Agency will use its land to accelerate economic activity, the development of homes and employment floorspace, and construction activity in support of local priorities. This document sets out: a summary of the HCA’s landholdings, including key changes during 2011/12 with the transfer of landholdings to the HCA from the Regional Development Agencies and from the HCA to the Greater London Authority; the principles by which the Agency disposes of its landholdings; and an overview of the landholdings that the Agency plans to bring forward for development or to dispose of over the 2012/13 financial year, and an indication of the disposal pipeline for remainder of the Spending Review period.

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Potala Travel

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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Potala Travel, a Tibetan-run tour organization, launched a new website to help potential clients arrange Tibet tours. The site highlights the organization’s focus on responsible, sustainable tourism and promoting local Tibetan businesses. The site offers descriptions of the trips in three categories: spiritual journeys, cultural odysseys, and trekking adventures.

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