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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Sources of research and market intelligence on the business events sector

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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There is a wide variety of data and research on the business events sector. Some of this is produced on a regular (usually annual) basis; some is in the form of ad hoc reports and papers published to address a topical issue; some is only available as a membership benefit from one of the industry’s trade or professional associations (although press releases are usually issued highlighting key points from such information). This is a summary of the current information available. It also lists key textbooks relevant to the sector. Wherever possible, the full title of each item given, the source, publication date, a brief synopsis, and contact details (usually a web site) for further information.

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Air transport (Eurostat Statistics in Focus 21/2012)

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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Following the economic crisis which began in 2008 and the first positive signs at the end of 2009, 2010 confirmed the recovery of the air transport industry. According to the latest statistics published by Eurostat, between 2009 and 2010, the total number of passengers travelling by air in the European Union increased by 3.4 % to 777 million.

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Visit Britain: Foresight (May 2012)

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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The latest monthly issue looks at the importance of the pub to inbound tourism.

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Co-regulation: a briefing for housing associations, housing authorities and ALMOs

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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This briefing focuses on the key changes proposed in the Tenant Services Authority’s consultation document, The revised regulatory framework for social housing in England from April 2012. It reflects on the political context of the changes and the implications for providers’ governing bodies, staff and tenants.

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Value for money in responsive and voids repairs: HouseMark’s repairs value for money toolkit

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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HouseMark’s pay-for Repairs Value for Money toolkit contains over 60 cost and performance measures for responsive and void repairs. It is the basis for an annual benchmarking project that has attracted over thirty landlords and provides a valuable insight into the efficiency of the repairs service.

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Housing associations and the Big Society: Lessons from Scotland’s community housing sector

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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This qualitative study explored the relevance of the Big Society for housing policy in Scotland, through a focus on community-controlled housing associations and their potential to act as community anchor organisations. The author suggests there is much the rest of the UK can learn from this experience.

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Climate neutral cities: How to make cities less energy and carbon intensive and more resilient to climatic challenges

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has published a report which outlines a range of systemic interrelated measures for a progressive transformation towards low-energy, low-carbon, highly resilient and ultimately climate neutral cities. Its recommendations fall under four main headings, with coordination through a well-managed city-level framework being perhaps the most essential ingredient for success. The four headings are: waste management; low carbon mobility; urban energy infrastructure; and urban form and green spaces. The report concludes by introducing a city roadmap for climate neutrality with guidelines for setting up an organisational framework and to developing priority actions.

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Creating garden cities and suburbs today

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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A group set up by the Town and Country Planning Association has published a study which highlights out five areas that need to be addressed to allow modern developments based on garden city principles to go ahead. It argues unlocking land is vital, and suggests local authorities should enter into joint ventures with landowners and developers. It also suggests local authorities should consider borrowing against new homes bonus income to reduce the risk for investors, and that central government has a role to play in encouraging investment by providing certainty about policy and fiscal measures.

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Transport planning for healthier lifestyles: A best practice guide

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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This guide, published by Transport for London, looks at how the NHS can best enable patients to access healthcare via public transport and to promote a healthy lifestyle with sustainable and active travel.

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How local authorities can reduce emissions and manage climate risks

Posted on: 17 May 2012
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According to a new report from the Committee on Climate Change, there is currently no requirement for local authorities to take action on climate change. This coupled with limited funding means there is a significant risk that local authorities will not develop and implement sufficiently ambitious low-carbon plans. The report also argues that additional incentives will be needed to encourage local authorities to adopt the government’s Green Deal initiative. It ads that a duty should be imposed on councils to produce a low-carbon plan for their area, report on its implementation, and prioritise carbon reduction measures in their budget.

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