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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Castles in the air

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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Released by RSA, the UK’s largest commercial insurer, and the Centre for Economics and Business Research, this is described as a unique study of the future of UK commercial real estate (CRE) construction. It shows that the recession has led to a peak-to-trough decline of 42 per cent in CRE construction output, which closely follows GDP. In fact, between 2007 and 2011 the value of CRE construction activity fell by as much as 32 per cent from £41 billion to £28 billion. Looking forward, this figure is predicted to drop again in 2012 to £27 billion and is not expected to return to positive growth until 2014, when only a modest 0.3 per cent rise is anticipated – far below the rate of growth currently reported on a national level.

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London, the (n) ever-changing city

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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A 17-strong international tutor team of practising architects, researchers in architecture and urbanism, artists, and linguists are leading this years’ Urban Transcripts workshop on the city, to be held on 3-9 December 2012. Focusing on London’s actual problematics, combining on-site visits, urban explorations, studio work and social events, the workshop is an interdisciplinary exercise in understanding the urban condition and working towards collaborative solutions. The workshop is open both to students and non-students; it will be of particular interest to students past their 2nd year of study, postgraduate students, and recent graduates, in disciplines related to the study of the city and urban intervention; notably architecture, urbanism, planning, geography, the social sciences, and the arts. Further details of the event, together with listings of reference, can be found online.

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Searching European Urban Knowledge Network

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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Thanks to a joint initiative between URBACT and the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN), visitors to both websites have access to a wide collection of relevant documents and resources on sustainable urban development, such as research that has been done on this topic, practices from cities throughout Europe and interviews with experts.

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Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe 2012

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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This report from the European Environment Agency presents an assessment of the progress projected or achieved by the European Union (EU), its Member States and other EEA member countries towards achieving their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets for the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol and for 2020 under EU unilateral commitments.

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Approximated EU GHG Inventory Early Estimates for 2011

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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The European Commission has released an annual report detailing progress in 2011 towards achieving the EU target under the Kyoto Protocol. It reports that a majority of emissions reductions occurred in the residential and commercial sectors, in part due to a mild winter, and notes a 47 million ton decrease in emissions from EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) sectors. The report also underscores the increasing share of renewable energy in total energy consumption. It includes sectoral results for energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste and other source categories in addition to examining uncertainties, methodologies and data sources, and member State GHG emissions.

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Construction CO2e Measurement Protocol: A Guide to reporting against the Green House Gas Protocol for construction companies

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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The members of ENCORD (European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development) have developed a measurement protocol, along with partners from other like minded worldwide construction organisations, to detail the method to be used when measuring the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of an organisation within the construction sector. This document will be updated from time to time to take account of any new standards or changes to current methodologies.

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Crossroads of Europe: Cultural and religious routes. Pavia, Italy, 6-10 June 2012

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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This annual event highlighting places and routes in Europe associated with a coming together of different cultures. The aim is to promote cooperation and exchange, and to raise awareness of the potential for a new kind of tourism. This first year, the focus is on cultural and religious routes. Presentations are available online.

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The Atlas of Health and Climate

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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The Atlas of health and climate is a product of this unique collaboration between the meteorological and public health communities. It provides sound scientific information on the connections between weather and climate and major health challenges. These range from diseases of poverty to emergencies arising from extreme weather events and disease outbreaks. They also include environmental degradation, the increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases and the universal trend of demographic ageing.

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Options for including disaster resilience in post-2015 development goals

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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This paper, from the Overseas Development Institute, considers options for including disaster resilience in a post-2015 devel­opment framework. It sets out potential indicators and targets for a specific goal on disaster resilience, as well as considering the opportunities for building disaster resilience into indicators for other sector goals, and what these might be. It looks at how to measure these, what baselines exist and whether data are available. It also examines options for including humanitarian assistance within a new framework.

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Challenges for international professional practice: from market value to natural value

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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New approaches to the valuation, appraisal and management of natural capital and nature’s services, ecosystem services, promise to transform the way we manage land, undertake development, appraise and value assets and pay for a range of goods and services. This will have far reaching implications for the work of chartered surveyors in valuation, estate and property management, construction, property development and environmental services. This paper from the RICS Land Group reviews the current top-rated business opportunities in natural services in the UK and considers recent developments that may affect the work of the professional valuer. Register on the RICS website to access this item.

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