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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Offsite Housing Review

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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The Construction Industry Council was commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to undertake a Review to consider and make recommendations to industry and to Government on the contribution which the off-site construction sector can make to increase the delivery of more homes and how the increased use of off-site construction can be incentivised in England.

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Building Information Modelling Protocol

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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The Construction Industry Council  has published its Building Information Modelling (BIM) Protocol alongside two further BIM documents:  Best Practice Guide for Professional Indemnity Insurance when using BIM   and, Outline Scope of Services for the role of Information Management 

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Nanotechnology in architecture

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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Significant uses of nanotechnology have surfaced in the last few years with applications for architectural design and the construction of built environments. It may take building enclosure materials (coatings, panels and insulation) to dramatic new levels of performance in terms of energy, light, security and intelligence. This video contains several interviews with experts.

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Ageing better by design

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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The Design Council has held two Design Forums on how design can respond to the needs of an ageing population. A series of talks on the built environment and products and services is available to view online.

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Valuing the UK’s tourism mix: A manifesto for growth and jobs in travel and tourism

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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The travel association ABTA has presented the Government with a document which highlights the importance of the tourism industry. The paper details how the three sectors of the industry – domestic, outbound, and inbound – are linked and outlines four key priorities for the Government to create jobs and growth in the industry as a whole. These are:  Strategic infrastructure support; Creating a more competitive product; Good regulation for confident customers and businesses; Promotion of travel and tourism as a key employer.

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Preparing Borough Tree and Woodland Strategies

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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This Supplementary Planning Guidance is a joint publication between the Greater London Authority and the Forestry Commission. It sets out an approach to trees and woodland that: covers the audit, protection and management of trees and woodland in line with Policy 7.21 of the London Plan; highlights the asset value of trees and woodland, both in financial terms and the broad range of economic and environmental benefits they provide; considers all the trees in a borough as a single unified resource, an ‘urban forest’; extends the concept of an ‘urban forest’ across boundaries so that the cumulative benefits of trees to Londoners can be enhanced; and takes a step by step approach to the management of trees and woodland. Two case studies, showing the approach taken by one inner and one outer London Borough, are attached as these may be helpful to other boroughs.

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London 2012 and the transport legacy

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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This report from the London Assembly’s Transport Committee examines the legacy for London’s transport following the Olympics. With more than £7.2 billion invested in transport in the run up to London 2012 , the Committee’s report calls on the Mayor and Transport for London to ensure that high-performing London transport is part of the wider legacy of the Olympics.

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Energy from waste: A guide to the debate

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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This guide is relevant to those wishing to engage in the debate about energy recovery, including members of the public; waste and planning officials in local government; elected members of local and national government; the waste management industry; energy intensive industries; energy companies; developers and technology providers; non-governmental organisations; and those looking to finance energy from waste projects.

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New approaches to promoting flexible and forward-looking decision making

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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Recent emphasis on promoting a ‘resilience approach’ to programming has resulted in calls for more longer-term objectives and deliverables, greater flexibility in planning processes, as well as better collaboration and coordination amongst key development actors. Drawing on insights from complexity science, this paper describes what processes are needed to promote Flexible and Forward-looking Decision Making (FFDM). More specifically, the paper proposes a coupled game and reflection based approach. This looks to capitalise on the ability of serious games to encourage experiential learning, as well as ensuring that enough time is provided to reflect on how key components of the game relate to the ‘real-world’. It also allows participants to identify their own routes forward for improving decision-making processes.

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50 Good practices in urban development supported by the European Regional Development Fund during the 2007-2013 programming period

Posted on: 28 February 2013
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The 50 case studies featured in this report demonstrate the broad range of activities that can be carried out with the support of the EU’s structural funds. They are focused around eight key themes: smart growth; sustainable growth; inclusive growth; integrated area-based approaches; housing for marginalised groups; financial engineering; public participation and empowerment; and cooperation, networking and learning. The case studies were prepared in 2012 and cover projects that have recently been completed or, in a few cases, are still underway.

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