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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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European nearly-zero energy buildings

Posted on: 21 March 2013
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Filed under: News

The British Social Housing Foundation is involved in a three- year project which is currently being funded by the EU’s Intelligent Energy Programme. This is entitled the nearly-Zero Energy Challenge and will build capacity and confidence amongst Europe’s social, cooperative and public housing providers ahead of the nearly-Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) obligations to be introduced in 2020, which will require that all new buildings should be nearly-Zero in terms of their energy consumption, with any energy required sourced from renewable supplies. In partnership with CECODHAS Housing Europe, BSHF has recently published a progress report on the “Fair Energy Transition towards nearly-Zero Energy Buildings”.  Social, cooperative and public housing providers in Europe currently own and manage over 27 million homes (12 per cent of the total housing stock), many of which needs significant improvement to increase its energy efficiency.  The progress report presents the current developments towards nZEB in Europe, as well as the barriers faced. The report also provides recommendations for action that could be implemented to ease the transition to nearly-zero energy homes, with a variety of best policy and practice examples emerging throughout Europe that are dealing with different aspects of delivering a fair energy transition. The report was presented at the World Sustainable Energy Days conference in Wels, Austria on 1st March 2013. This report is available here  and a copy of the presentation made at this event can be viewed online.

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