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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Delivering a golden legacy: a growth strategy for inbound tourism to Britain from 2012 to 2020

Posted on: 30 April 2013
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The government has published a long-term strategy for tourism in Britain. This is the product of over a year of competitive analysis in Britain’s major tourism source markets, and follows last year’s widespread consultation with over 300 businesses. The strategy is built around four key objectives: Building on Britain’s improved international image; Increasing distribution through the travel trade; Broadening the product range on offer; Making it easier to get to Britain. Background information is also available, including responses the consultation and an analysis of international tourism demand for Britain based on four scenarios.

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Global Housing Strategy framework document

Posted on: 30 April 2013
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The UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy is a collaborative global movement towards adequate housing for all and improving access to housing in general and the living conditions of slum dwellers in particular. Its main objective is to assist member States in working towards the realization of the right to adequate housing. One of the main objectives of the Strategy is for member States to develop national housing strategies. A national housing strategy, as a pillar of national urban policy, comprises agreed sets of activities formalized in Strategy documents and their updates. It guides polices, planning and programming of investment, management and maintenance activities in the areas of housing, slum upgrading and slum prevention. The expected outcomes of the UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy will (re)position housing within the global contemporary debate on economically viable, environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially inclusive cities.

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HVS Market Area Snapshot, Peloponnese, Greece

Posted on: 30 April 2013
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The article discusses the Peloponnese hotel market in terms of supply and demand and analyzes past and future tourism trends.

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Planning for economic infrastructure

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee has published a report of an inquiry which examined planning for economic infrastructure. .on the basis of evidence from participants in the infrastructure sector, the Treasury, the Department for Transport and the Department for Energy and Climate Change.

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Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The Growth and Infrastructure Act, which received Royal Assent on 25 April 2013, will allow developers to reopen discussions over section 106 agreements and reduce the number of affordable homes they are providing. During the passage of the bill through parliament the government accepted an amendment introducing a ‘sunset clause’ to end the measure in April 2016, although the government will be able to extend it if it feels it is still necessary. The legislation also contains a range of other changes designed to improve the planning process.

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Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The European Environment Agency has published a report which describes the policies and some of the measures taken at EU level and by European countries to adapt to climate change. The report recommends a combination of different measures: ‘grey’ measures such as technological and engineering projects, ‘green’ ecosystem-based approaches using nature, and so-called ‘soft’ measures such as policies to change governance approaches. The most effective adaptation projects often combine two or more different approaches, the report says.

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Impact study on intelligent mobility: A sustainability impact framework and case analysis of energy and environment

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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Governments and industry around the world are beginning to recognize the potential of intelligent transport systems (ITS) to transform the future of mobility across all modes  and infrastructures. This report builds on the idea of intelligent mobility. Achieving intelligent or ‘smart mobility’ where travelers are able to plan and execute their journeys seamlessly and optimize the full range of mobility services has become enabled by ITS technologies that provide a set of strategies for advancing transportation safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability.

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Urban Planning and Economic Development

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The aims of this journal is to provide educational information and services in urban planning and  environmental conservation to an interconnected global community that will both enable indi­viduals and communities to adapt to new holistic techniques and solutions to resolve existing and future urban and environmental issues and foster economic and sustainable development. The latest issue (April 2013) contains articles on: sustainable urban development in India; brownfield redevelopment in the Netherlands; people led mapping process as a tool for bottom-up planning and deepening of democratic values in urban governance: Experience from eastern Indian Cities; and the effects of a late modernization: The case of metropolitan region of Buenos Aires.

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Planning Act 2008: associated development applications for major infrastructure projects

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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This guidance is designed to help those who intend to make an application for development consent under the Act to determine how the provisions in respect of associated development apply to their proposals.

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Planning Act 2008: examination of applications for development consent

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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This guidance is provided to ensure consistent application of examination procedures, and to promote fairness, transparency and proportionality. It also sets out the criteria which the Secretary of State will apply when deciding on the examination process for a specific application.

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