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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Section 106 affordable housing requirements: review and appeal

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 inserts new sections 106BA, BB and BC into the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to introduce a new application and appeal procedure, to review affordable housing obligations on the grounds of viability. The guidance provides information for applicants and local authorities on the purpose and scope of this measure. Annex B sets out procedures for applications to the local planning authority (under section 106BA) and for appeals to the Planning Inspectorate (under section 106BC).

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Global Corporate Real Estate Trends 2013

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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Jones Lang LaSalle have published the second biennial report on global corporate real estate (CRE) trends, which provides insights into the current condition and future direction of CRE.  More than 600 CRE executives from 39 countries contributed to this report through surveys and interviews. Their responses show that amid continuing challenges in the economic and operating environment, there are more risks ahead.

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Growth through BIM

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This report looks at ways to help maximise the growth effect of the Government strategy for BIM at home and in export markets. This advice was commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills through the Construction Industry Council on July 1st 2012.

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Planning Education and Research Network (PERN) Newsletter

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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The latest ‘Planning Education and Research Network’ (PERN) Bulletin, published by the Royal Town Planning Institute, is now available online. It features upcoming conferences, events, awards, new call for papers & the latest publications.

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Delivering London 2012

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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The Institution of Engineering and Technology has published two reports which identify and demonstrate the innovation, legacy, best practice and lessons learned from the ICT delivery of the Games. The first publication was issued before the Games and the second, following the Games.

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Regenerating our communities: a snapshot in time

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This publication offers a flavour of current regeneration activity based around new or refurbished housing provision. It is simply a snapshot, taking its material from 13 entries to the 2013 Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland/Scottish Government Excellence in Regeneration Award.

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Road freight transport statistics: Cabotage

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This article presents the road freight cabotage  transport in 2011 in the European Union, from the points of view of hauliers performing cabotage abroad and of the countries where cabotage is performed. Cabotage is transport carried out in country A by hauliers registered in country B. Since national transport markets are not yet fully liberalised, the level of cabotage, together with cross-trade, may be seen as a sign of market integration.

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Tourism statistics – occupancy rates in hotels and similar establishments

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This article focuses on the short-term evolutions in the occupancy of bedrooms and bed places of hotels and similar accommodation establishments in the European Union.

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Have EU structural measures successfully supported the regeneration of industrial and military brownfield sites?

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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A new report from the European Court of Auditors, the EU spending watchdog, calls on the European Commission to improve the running of regeneration projects on brownfield. Sites, former industrial and military areas which are often derelict and contaminated. The Auditors found that results could have been achieved at a reduced cost to national and EU budgets because the need for public funding was not always established and rules governing EU funded regeneration projects do not sufficiently allow public money to be clawed back if projects generate more revenue than expected. They also found that the ‘polluter pays’ principle has not been fully applied so that national and EU funds have borne part of the cost of environmental clean-ups.

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Green Paper on the insurance of natural and man-made disasters

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This Green Paper poses a number of questions concerning the adequacy and availability of appropriate disaster insurance and accompanies the Communication entitled “An EU strategy on adaptation to climate change”. The objective is to raise awareness and to assess whether or not action at EU level could be appropriate or warranted to improve the market for disaster insurance in the European Union. More generally, this process will also expand the knowledge base, help to promote insurance as a tool of disaster management and thus contribute to a shift towards a general culture of disaster risk prevention and mitigation, and bring in further data and information.

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