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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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A sustainable community for older people: Case studies of green retirement villages in Australia

Posted on: 28 October 2013
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The research examines how to improve well-being of retirement village residents. It identifies unique ergonomic requirements and provides facility managers with a guideline for sustainable facility management.

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Realising sustainability in the tropics. Singapore, 9-10 September 2013

Posted on: 28 October 2013
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The conference showcased built projects, on-going research and governance models that specifically address life in the tropics, paradigms, processes and tools that can help designers, developers and policymakers understand the exchange between people and buildings, buildings and neighbourhoods, cities and their surroundings, man and nature. These topics presented by industry leaders, top universities and leading research institutes also reflected diverse aspects of sustainable urbanism, regenerative design, socio-cultural vectors, life cycle assessment and materials reuse. Presentations and papers are available online.

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Balance of Competence Energy Review

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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The government has today published a call for evidence on the balance of competence between the United Kingdom and the European Union on energy. The Department of Energy and Climate Change is leading on the area of the review covering energy and is seeking views from individuals and groups with an interest or experience in energy policy and its application on how the competence is used and what that means for the UK. The Balance of Competences Review is an important and unique opportunity for people and interest groups to have their say on how we interact with the EU and the effect that EU legislation has on our energy policy.

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Sustainable construction: Realising the opportunities for built environment professionals

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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Produced by the RICS Europe Sustainability Task Force, this paper discusses key issues and challenges concerning sustainable development in the construction sector and seeks to improve our understanding of the role of RICS members and their practices in an ever changing marketplace.

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Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSAs) in Europe

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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Tourism plays an important role in many countries’ economies and labour markets. Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) is a framework developed to quantify the importance of tourism. This publication disseminates national results for a set of key TSA indicators for EU, EFTA and candidate countries who have compiled TSA for recent reference years and is a follow-up of the publication “Tourism Satellite Accounts in Europe” of 2010.

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Successful development of the Thame neighbourhood plan: a case study

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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Thame was one of the first communities to get a neighbourhood plan in place.  As a front runner, the South Oxfordshire District Council and Thame Town Council have pioneered the process of developing neighbourhood plans. Their experience with the process and with working together provides invaluable advice to help other councils to work effectively on translating community aspirations into plans for the future.

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England biodiversity indicators

Posted on: 25 October 2013
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Defra has published a detailed statistical update of 24 indicators that give an overview of biodiversity in England. The publication measures progress in the delivery of goals and objectives outlined in Biodiversity 2020 published by the government in 2011. The detailed assessments for each species and habitat, including all grassland priority habitats and the ‘old’ priority bees, are published online.

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Planning out poverty: A reinvention of social town planning

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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The Town & Country Planning Association has published a report which highlights strong evidence that planning could play a much more positive role by fully integrating, within both local and national public policy, with sectors such as regeneration and health and by reconnecting with issues that matter to local people.

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The changing face of smart buildings: The Op-Ex advantage

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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Jones Lang LaSalle has published a report which explains how today’s building technology investment decisions are delivering return on investment (ROI) while shaping the way humans, machines and buildings will interact in the decades to come. Building owners, operators and investors are under pressure to manage costs, risks and energy consumption and are looking at smart building technologies to help their company’s triple bottom line (people, planet, profits).

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Theorising governance and innovation in sustainable energy transitions

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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Understanding why and how it is that some countries are able to implement policies which lead to deeper and faster change in sustainable practices and outcomes is an important step in enabling an acceleration in the transition to a sustainable energy future. This paper presents a tentative, provisional framework for analysing energy system transition, differential outcomes and the reasons for them. It suggests that energy system rules (in enabling or blocking change) and incentives (in making change economic or not) play an important role in shaping change. A key insight is a need to understand ‘how and why’ policies are implemented, of ‘how and why’ changes in practices and outcomes are driven, and the links between the two. A provisional Theory of Managed Energy Transition is put forward that seeks to: firstly identify the linkages of politics, actors and agency to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of energy policy implementation and delivery; and secondly, relate these to changes in practice and outcomes.

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