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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Resilient people, resilient planet: A future worth choosing

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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This is the report of the High-level Panel on Global Sustainability which calls for this new approach to the political economy of sustainable development so as to address the sustainable development challenge in a fresh and operational way. It contains the following six sections: The Panel’s vision; Progress towards sustainable development; Empowering people to make sustainable choices; Working towards a sustainable economy; Strengthening institutions; Conclusion: A call for action.

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Assessment tools on urban sustainability

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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CIB Working Commission W101 on Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Development, held its annual meeting on 20 October 2011 in Helsinki. The main subject of the meeting was to start a comparison of “Assessment Tools on Urban Sustainability”, which is considered one of the most competitively progressing technological fields with diversity among research groups internationally, in relation to the subject of urban planning and sustainability. In the meeting, three specific tools were taken up for comparative study and discussion, which are: HEKO, CASBEE-City and the NILIM tool. A full meeting report with a description of these city sustainability assessment tools is available online.

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Electricity transmission costing study

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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The Institution of Engineering and Technology has published the findings of research which analyses the whole life costs of installing and maintaining new high voltage transmission circuits under the ground, under the sea and over ground. The report’s remit purely relates to engineering costs.  Although it does acknowledge the aesthetic, human and environmental impacts, it makes no analysis of these areas.

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Caribbean Regional Research Diagnostic

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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This report supports the delivery of the Implementation Plan for the ‘Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change’ by documenting the knowledge gaps and information required and by providing an assessment of the Caribbean region’s research capacity. The Research Diagnostic found that universities within the region are working well together on many climate change and development issues and that several have established international relationships. The report found that regional programmes have strengthened research partnerships, and calls for efforts to be stepped up to support emerging research networks to ensure their continued development. Despite these considerable positive aspects and the fact that the research capacity of Caribbean universities is widely held to be high, the report also found there to be several important research gaps with regards to climate change preparedness, including: the impacts of climate change on coasts; water resources; agriculture and fisheries; energy; and tourism and health. Furthermore, the Research Diagnostic highlighted the need for further work to assess adaptation options in sectors such as water resource management, disaster management, agriculture and food security and energy sector responses. Register to access document.

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Addressing crime and disorder in public places through planning and design

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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ISBN 9780860177128  £70

This document, published by CIRIA in August 2011, considers how crime and disorder issues can be addressed at the planning and design stages to assist a successful outcome in operation. The guide also provides easily accessed information about parties to be consulted and notes the complexity and interplay of the issues. Detailed information is provided about the issues and case study examples are included to demonstrate decision making in action.

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Global Hospitality Insights: Top thoughts for 2012

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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A report from Ernst & Young which reveals key issues and trends it believes will be the primary areas of focus in the global hospitality industry in 2012.

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Rio+20 Portal

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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The United Nations is convening a Summit level Conference on sustainable development in Rio in the summer of 2012, 20 years after the first 1992 Earth Summit and ten years after the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. With peoples and citizens are already starting to prepare for the Summit Rio+20, this website highlights initiatives and the schedule of activities of the partners in the process.

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2012 Central London outlook

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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This video from Knight Frank predicts what is in store for the Central London market in 2012.

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The Housing Revenue Account Self-financing Determinations

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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This document lists the final five determinations, which were decided after evaluating the responses to a housing revenue account self-financing determinations consultation.

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Empty Dwelling Management Orders (EDMOs)

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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This note explains local authorities’ powers to tackle privately owned dwellings that have been empty for a period of time.

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