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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Localism in London: What’s the story?

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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This report from the London Assembly Planning Committee monitors the progress made on various aspects of the Localism agenda in London over the last 12 months and contains a number of questions for the wider stakeholder community designed to assess how Localism can be progressed in the capital. The Committee argues that neighbourhood planning is not working in London and it is unlikely that more than a handful of neighbourhood plans will be in place in the capital by the time of the next election.

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Tourism geography research in China

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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The papers in this special issue of the journal Tourism Geographies (Vol.16 Issue 5, 2014) demonstrate the distinct character of domestic tourism research in China, which engages the rich body of literature published in Chinese, but is generally less connected to broader international debates in the predominantly Anglo-American English publishing realm.

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The industry’s BIM readiness

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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Is the industry ready for the government’s BIM mandate in April 2016? That was the main theme of the round table event held recently to launch the BIM+ website, attended by a cross-section of well-placed commentators. As a foretaste of the debate, each contributor was asked to respond to a question on BIM implementation from their particular point of view. Videos are available online.

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Planning authority duties in the provision of appropriate specialist conservation advice in England

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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The Institute of Historic Building Conservation has published a new guidance note on planning authority duties in the provision of appropriate specialist conservation advice in England. The guidance note outlines the key statutory and non-statutory duties that local planning authorities have to provide in terms of specialist conservation advice.

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The sustainable growth of cathedral cities and historic towns

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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This report, published by the planning and environment consultancy, Green Balance, investigates the effectiveness of local plan-making in protecting England’s heritage in small cathedral cities and historic towns. The report specifically explores how current policy and practice address potential tensions between meeting local development needs and giving proper weight to conserving the special qualities of historic settlements.

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Heritage and identity.  Newcastle upon Tyne, 5 November 2014

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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Filed under: Events presentations, News

Is heritage just a socially acceptable version of tribalism? Has social media produced a culture of ‘place-less’ relationships? These were some of the central themes explored in a major public debate on heritage and identity. A video of the event is available online.

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Crossrail 2: safeguarding directions

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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The Department for Transport is seeking views on updating the safeguarding directions regulation of 2008. The changes discussed are to show alterations in the proposed route for Crossrail 2. The safeguarding process enables government to issue directions to local planning authorities, protecting land from development. Any planning applications in the safeguarded area would be referred to Transport for London for advice. Comments are requested by 29 January 2015.

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Railway freight transport statistics

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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This article focuses on recent rail freight transport statistics in the European Union.

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Breaking the mould

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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Based at the University of Exeter Medical School’s European Centre for Environment & Human Health, the European Centre for Environment & Human Health has just published findings that show damp and specific types of mould can pose a significant health risk to people with asthma. While homes are increasingly designed to save energy, this blog considers what can we do to prevent side-effects that pose a cost to our health.

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Future proofing cities in China

Posted on: 21 November 2014
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Atkins was commissioned by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Prosperity Fund to prepare eco-low carbon (ELC) urban planning guidance in close collaboration with China’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the FCO, and supported by the China Society for Urban Studies. China’s 12th Five Year Plan, which places strong emphasis on energy and resource efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental protection, calls specifically for an “optimized pattern of green development”. The National New Urbanisation Plan (2014-2020) issued in March 2014 further emphasises the importance of sustainable development and sets out a clear vision of green eco-low carbon smart development. The methodology is aimed at providing a blueprint for ELC urban planning in China. In promoting a new type of urban planning to meet the challenges of the new type of urbanization in China, the guidance places strong emphasis on integration (technical, process and conceptual), understanding local context, and human scale development in harmony with nature, as well as the importance of place making in urban form, and partnering to finance ELC development through green credit initiatives. The methodology was officially launched in Beijing in May 2014.

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