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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Framing urban sustainable development: Features, challenges and potentials of urban SD from a multi-level governance perspective

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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This latest Quarterly Report from the European Sustainable Development Network provides an overview of the concept of urban sustainable development (SD) as well as initiatives and programs of urban SD on the global and European level. In order to complement the ESDN Quarterly report(see above) and as preparatory documents for the 10th ESDN Workshop.

The ESDN has written two new case studies. One maps urban sustainable development initiatives and programmes in Europe and beyond  The other one shows concrete examples and experiences with applying urban SD in three different European cities (Copenhagen, Newcastle and Vienna).

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Winning strategies for a sustainable future

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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In 2013, the German Bertelsmann Foundation organized the “Reinhard Mohn Prize” for outstanding dedication and contribution to sustainable development. The prize was awarded to former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, in November 2013. The publication for the Reinhard Mohn Prize 2013, “Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future,” provides some general perspective on SD strategies and actions and global trends of SD. Moreover, the publication presents pioneering SD strategy approaches from different continents, including Bhutan, Costa Rica, Finland, Ghana and Tasmania. The week leading up to the award ceremony on 7 November 2013 included a number of events dedicated to the prize and the topic of sustainability.

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Re-learning city branding: the role of management

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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City branding is not only a question of marketing and communication, but is becoming more and more an issue for citizens, stakeholders and the wider community of actors connected to its territory. What is the role of management and leadership in this collaborative process? Which are the key ingredients for successful co-management of city branding? Here are some questions that this article from Miguel Rivas, Lead Expert of URBACT CityLogo project aims to answer.

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Residential wealth distribution in Rio de Janiero

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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Housing is an important component of both a household’s net worth and aggregate national wealth or stock of residential capital. Aggregate residential wealth is the sum of the values of all housing units. In Brazil, residential structures represent about one-third of total net fixed capital, so their value is important for economic and social policy. This analysis asks: What variables determine the stock values of residential property? How do location and neighborhood conditions affect these values? What is the aggregate residential wealth in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region (Metro Rio)? What is its distribution among household income and housing value groups? In other words, what generates residential wealth? How much residential wealth is there? Who holds it? Where is it located? This article appears in the January 2014 issue of Land Lines.

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HS2 Phase One environmental statement

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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This consultation is required by parliamentary rules to allow member of the public and other interested parties to comment on the environmental statement which accompanies the HS2 Phase One hybrid Bill. The environmental statement includes likely significant environmental impacts along the route, and measures to manage and reduce these. Consultation responses will be summarised by an independent assessor appointed by Parliament and used to inform the House of Commons’ debate on the scheme at Second Reading. Comments are requested by 27 February 2014.

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Airport infrastructure for a future Britain. London, 16 January 2014

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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This event, organised by Runways UK, considered the work of the Government’s Airport Commission. Contributions came from key aviation, environmental, economic, business and government figures, together with the promoters of the short-listed concepts, presenting their schemes publicly in a structured and comparable format, which enabled delegates to assess each one against the Commission’s own sift criteria. Going forward, Runways UK will become an annual event which will evolve with the progress of the Commission initially and thereafter with the development and sustainable delivery of the solutions it identifies as viable options for meeting the UK’s international connectivity needs in the short, medium and long term. Presentations, videos and tweets bare available online.

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Environmental aspects on unconventional fossil fuels

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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The European Commission adopted a Recommendation aiming to ensure that proper environmental and climate safeguards are in place for “fracking”. The Recommendation should help all Member States wishing to use this practice address health and environmental risks and improve transparency for citizens. It also lays the ground for a level playing field for industry and establishes a clearer framework for investors.

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Has the environment programme of the LIFE Programme been effective?

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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The objective of the audit by the European Court of Auditors was to answer the question: ‘Does the LIFE “Environment” component of the LIFE programme3 operate effectively?’

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Disaster as opportunity? Building back better in Aceh, Myanmar and Haiti

Posted on: 23 January 2014
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This report examines the concept ‘build back better’, and seeks to understand the aspirations, implications and resulting impact of the term on recovery and reconstruction in three disaster responses, the Indian Ocean tsunami in Aceh, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and the earthquake in Haiti.

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EU energy, transport and GHG emissions trends to 2050

Posted on: 23 January 2014
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The European Commission has set out its goal of a Europe which, by 2030, emits 40% less carbon dioxide than it did in 1990, uses renewable energy for 27% of its energy, and employs a reserve mechanism to regulate its carbon market.

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