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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Cycling Delivery Plan

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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The cycling delivery plan is the government’s 10 year strategy on how we plan to increase cycling and walking across England. It includes an ambition to double cycling levels by 2025 and increase the percentage of school children aged 5-10 years walking to school to 55% by 2025. The delivery plan includes a number of actions to meet these targets including, plans for infrastructure developments, cycle-proofing roads and wider transport infrastructure, and for facilitating behaviour change across the country by promoting cycling and walking as alternative sustainable travel modes. A draft version of the delivery plan has been published for informal consultation. Comments are requested by 13 November 2014.

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Inner London National Character Area

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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As part of Natural England’s responsibilities as set out in the Natural Environment White Paper, Biodiversity 2020 and the European Landscape Convention, has been revising profiles for England’s 159 National Character Areas (NCAs). These are areas that share similar landscape characteristics, and which follow natural lines in the landscape rather than administrative boundaries, making them a good decisionmaking framework for the natural environment. NCA profiles are guidance documents which can help communities to inform their decision-making about the places that they live in and care for. The information they contain will support the planning of conservation initiatives at a landscape scale, inform the delivery of Nature Improvement Areas and encourage broader partnership working through Local Nature Partnerships. The profiles will also help to inform choices about how land is managed and can change. Each profile includes a description of the natural and cultural features that shape our landscapes, how the landscape has changed over time, the current key drivers for ongoing change, and a broad analysis of each area’s characteristics and ecosystem services. Statements of Environmental Opportunity (SEOs) are suggested, which draw on this integrated information. The SEOs offer guidance on the critical issues, which could help to achieve sustainable growth and a more secure environmental future. This profile was placed online in September 2013.

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Near zero energy through integrated design

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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The basics of what most consider ‘sustainable design’ have migrated from the fringe to the mainstream of the UK construction industry in the past 20 years. Post occupancy evaluation, embodied energy, lifecycle analysis and designing for deconstruction are all receiving more time, effort and (in some cases) funding by the more enlightened clients, designers and contractors. Research in the UK and throughout Europe has shown that one such method to enhance performance without increasing overall costs can be achieved through recently-clarified advancements in collaborative working and partnering. Integrated design (ID) is an advance on the principles of collaborative working and partnering. Research between 11 EU partners, including BRE for the UK, has demonstrated that a significant part of the challenge in delivering near zero energy buildings in practice is ensuring that the finished building is the best low energy match for the requirements of that building’s occupant.

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Outdoor recreation in the 21st century

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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The latest issue of the journal of the Outdoor Recreation Network considers outdoor recreation in the 21st century.

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Guide on EU funding for the tourism sector (2014-2020)

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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This guide focuses on the most important EU programmes for the tourism sector3, around practical questions: type of tourism-related actions eligible for funding; type and level of funding; who can apply and how to apply. It also points at concrete examples of what has been funded under previous programmes, as a possible source of inspiration. The guide will be periodically revised to provide more recent examples of funded actions and updated information on the new programmes. Conceived as an entry point to specialised websites, this guide contains many internet links.

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Mobilising across the nation to build the homes our children need: The Lyons Housing Review

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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Sir Michael Lyons has released a report setting out a comprehensive roadmap to build 200,000 homes-a-year by 2020. The Labour Party commissioned Lyons to conduct a sweeping housing review to help form new policies to tackle the housing crisis. One of the main  recommendation is for the formation of Olympic Park-style ‘new homes corporations’ with power to fast-track housing development and assemble land.

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Posted on: 16 October 2014
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The economic case for HS2: Oral and written evidence

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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This report presents the oral and written evidence submitted to the House of Commons Select Committee on Economic Affairs regarding the economic case for the HS2 rail project.

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The low cost construction techniques fueling Asia’s affordable housing boom

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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Rapid population growth and urbanisation has precipitated a boom in affordable housing projects across Asia. To capitalise on these projects, developers are on the lookout for new construction techniques that can reduce costs, whilst retaining build quality and durability. This article considers the latest cost-saving construction techniques available, as well as one with the potential to revolutionise the entire construction industry.

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Affordable housing supply in England: 2013 to 2014

Posted on: 16 October 2014
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The government has published the latest statistics on gross affordable housing supply in England.

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