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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
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Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Airports as Drivers of Economic Success in Peripheral Regions

Posted on: 9 November 2012
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The ADES (Airports as Drivers of Economic Success in Peripheral Regions) project officially started in November 2011. The project is set out to investigate the role of regional airports in making peripheral European regions grow. The Interim Report with its Annexes is online.

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Aviation in the Middle East and North Africa

Posted on: 6 November 2012
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This speech was made by Tony Tyler, the Director General and CEO of IATA,  at the Arab Air Carriers Organization (AACO) Annual General Meeting, held on 5-7 November 2012. He outlined five areas in which opportunities exist to further develop aviation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to benefit the region’s economies. Topics covered included safety; aviation as a catalyst for growth; air navigation; environment; and new distribution capability.

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Membership and terms of reference of the Airports Commission

Posted on: 5 November 2012
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This written statement by Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, on 2 November 2012, includes details of the members of the Airports Commission and the terms of reference of this new Commission which is scheduled to presents its final report in summer 2015.

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Draft National Aviation Policy Framework consultation

Posted on: 26 October 2012
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In their response to the Government’s draft Aviation Policy Framework consultation, the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation say the long term choice is not whether to build a third runway, or a new hub airport, but whether Heathrow can realistically be expanded beyond three runways. If not, plans for an alternative hub airport in South East England must be developed quickly. These organizations have also published a separate vision for aviation capacity, UK Aviation Strategy: Time to choose, looks at the value of aviation to the UK economy and the options available to maintain a strong aviation sector in the UK

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Aircraft fleet planning: a new perspective

Posted on: 23 October 2012
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This report, published by Deloitte, identifies 10 critical issues facing airlines from a fleeting perspective – these include demand growth, cost, margin and competition.  However, the report also identifies the value opportunity from new technologies and a practical route map which enables airlines to: incorporate the uncertainty and evaluate optionalties; understand the inherent risk-return trade-offs; align the decisions with the agreed strategic direction and risk appetite.

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Giving wings to airports across the UK: Bristol Airport’s recommendations for a balanced aviation policy

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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In response to the Government’s consultation on its Draft Aviation Policy Framework, Bristol airport has made five recommendations to reduce congestion in the South East by boosting regional airports.

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Social indicators (Research Paper 12/59)

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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This House of Commons Library Research Paper summarises a wide range of social statistics, including environment, energy, housing, transport, local government and UK aviation.

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Single European Sky

Posted on: 16 October 2012
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The Single European Sky, the flagship project to create a single European airspace, tripling capacity and halving air traffic costs, is “not delivering”, according to Vice-President Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for transport,. He has recently announced his intention to present new legislative proposals in Spring 2013 to accelerate implementation, as well as taking all enforcement actions possible, including infringements where necessary. Inefficiencies caused by Europe’s fragmented airspace bring extra costs of close to €5 billion each year. It adds 42 kilometres to the distance of an average flight, forcing aircraft to burn more fuel, generate more emissions, pay more in costly user-charges and suffer greater delays. The United States controls the same amount of airspace, with more traffic, at almost half the cost.

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Bigger and quieter: the right answer for aviation

Posted on: 5 October 2012
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This report from the Policy Exchange examines all of the options for increasing airport capacity in the UK and concludes that the best option would be to place four runways immediately west of the current Heathrow site. This would double the existing capacity to 130 million passengers, cementing it as Europe’s premier hub. It also makes a number of recommendations to reduce noise pollution.

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Air Transport Market Analysis

Posted on: 2 October 2012
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported global traffic results for August 2012 showing demand for air transport continuing to flatten-out, but with significant regional variations. Freight volumes shrank as business and consumer confidence continued to slip.

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