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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Responsible Heathrow 2013

Posted on: 27 May 2014
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Heathrow Airport has published its latest annual sustainability report, setting out ten steps it will be taking to reduce environmental impact, invest in local communities and support economic growth as part of its 2020 sustainability goals. The report highlights a number of key energy and emissions milestones.

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Application of the Airport Charges Directive

Posted on: 23 May 2014
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This report takes stock of EU Member States’ implementation of the airport charges directive, which was adopted at EU level in 2009 and became applicable in 2011. The directive sets out a number of principles on airport charges to be followed by the main airport in each Member State and all airports handling more than 5 million passengers per year and provides for the setting up of independent bodies for the monitoring of its application.

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56th CAF Meeting and Regional Seminar on Tourism and Air Connectivity in Africa.  Luanda, Angola, 28-30 April 2014

Posted on: 21 May 2014
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Presentations and background information is available for this meeting on tourism and air connectivity in Africa.

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ACI Europe

Posted on: 16 May 2014
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ACI EUROPE is the European region of Airports Council International, the only worldwide professional association of airport operators. ACI EUROPE represents over 450 airports in 44 European countries.

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Taking Britain further: Heathrow’s plan for connecting the UK to growth

Posted on: 14 May 2014
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Revised expansion proposals, presented to the government’s Airports Commission by Heathrow Airport would reduce the number of properties requiring compulsory purchase by 200 and avoid the need to redevelop the M4/M25 junction.

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Expanding airport capacity in large urban areas

Posted on: 1 May 2014
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This report reviews international experience in reconciling planning and environmental constraints with demand for airport capacity and the potential benefits in terms of productivity and growth from developing international airline services. Experience is compared in London, New York, Tokyo, Osaka, Sydney and in Germany’s main airports with particular attention to the dynamics of airline markets and implications for airport planning in multi-airport cities.

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Impact of airport expansion options on competition and choice

Posted on: 29 April 2014
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Heathrow Airport commissioned this report from Frontier Economics (Europe) which looked at the impact of different options for airport expansion on competition and choice for passengers. As airport capacity gets congested, passengers are likely to suffer in a number of ways, including rising ticket prices (to keep demand down to the available capacity) and a restricted choice of direct routes. With Heathrow full, passengers are already experiencing these impacts. Moreover, with demand for air travel continually rising and Gatwick also likely to be full before 2030, these costs are set to grow significantly. Frontier’s report is based on empirical analysis of detailed route-level passenger data to model the extent to which a lack of capacity has driven up ticket prices at Heathrow.

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Guild of Travel Management Companies

Posted on: 29 April 2014
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The GTMC represents a diverse range of travel management companies, from the world’s largest to small independent specialists and from major London-based organisations to top regional agencies.  A key activity of the GTMC is to lobby all those that have an impact on the business travel of members’ clients, be they travel suppliers, Government or EU legislators, opinion formers or the media. The main aim of the GTMC’s activities is to provide a better deal for organisations and their travelling employees.

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Royal Docks revival: Replacing London City Airport

Posted on: 10 April 2014
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The New Economics Foundation has published a report on how we might prepare our cities for a more equal, prosperous and sustainable future. Taking London City Airport as an example of urban planning gone wrong, the authors argue that the airport can and should be closed and replaced with something much more valuable.

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Alternative plans for the Heathrow Airport site

Posted on: 31 March 2014
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As part of his campaign for a new hub airport in the Thames Estuary, the London Mayor has published a report from Jones Lang LaSalle report showing how Heathrow could be turned into an education quarter, or building 80,000 homes for 200,000 people. 

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