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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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England biodiversity indicators

Posted on: 5 December 2014
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This government has published a detailed statistical update of 24 indicators that give an overview of biodiversity in England. The publication measures progress in the delivery of goals and objectives outlined in Biodiversity 2020, published by the government in 2011. The detailed assessments for each species and habitat, including all grassland priority habitats and the ‘old’ priority bees, are also online.

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The Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Impacts Report Card 2012-13

Posted on: 24 November 2014
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The Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Impacts Report Card provides an overview of how climate change is affecting UK biodiversity and potential future changes based on the latest scientific evidence and understanding.

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Global Biodiversity Outlook 4

Posted on: 7 October 2014
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Bold and innovative action is urgently required if governments are to meet the globally-agreed Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and its Aichi Targets by 2020, says a United Nations progress report on the state of global biodiversity. Launched today one year before the halfway point of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, the report shows that there has been significant progress towards meeting some components of the majority of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. However, in most cases, additional action is required to keep the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 on course.

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Changing planet

Posted on: 30 September 2014
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‘Changing Planet’ is a Stockholm-based research cluster advancing the integrated understanding of the interacting social, ecological and technological forces that shape our Earth. Researchers at Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Beijer Institute and the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere Program are working with international collaborators on the global dynamics and cross-scale linkages between humans and the rest of the biosphere.

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Cities Biodiversity Center Newsletter

Posted on: 30 September 2014
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The September 2014 edition has a strong focus on the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the 2014 Biodiversity Summit for Cities and Subnational Governments, and showcases the inspiring work driven by cities across the world.

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Is the ERDF effective in funding projects that directly promote biodiversity under the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020?

Posted on: 19 September 2014
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The main objective of the audit was to assess whether the ERDF has been effective in funding projects directly promoting biodiversity as part of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020.

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What is the scope for nature in cities?

Posted on: 29 August 2014
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Building on the findings in the Cities and Biodiversity Outlook (CBO) project (, jointly led by the UN Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Stockholm Resilience Centre, this Special Issue of Current Conservation has a particular focus on India, one of the most rapidly urbanising nations in the world, and cities in other countries in the southern hemisphere. It presents some examples of the meaning of nature in cities, and challenges and opportunities associated with urban nature conservation.

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National Character Areas

Posted on: 24 June 2014
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Natural England’s National Character Area project, defining all of England’s 159 major landscape areas, has been completed. The result is a unique, free and highly accessible information resource, highlighting how England’s varied landscapes function and how they can be cared for.

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ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center

Posted on: 18 June 2014
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The June 2014 edition of the newsletter from the ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center showcases the inspiring work driven by cities across the world, introduces exciting new projects and tools and highlights upcoming events.

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Impact Risk Zones dataset

Posted on: 12 June 2014
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Local planning authorities in England will be able to assess whether a proposed development is likely to affect the country’s 4,128 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) thanks to a new simple-to-use online tool produced by Natural England. The Impact Risk Zones (IRZs) dataset is a GIS tool which maps zones around each SSSI according to the particular sensitivities of the features for which it is notified and specifies the types of development that have the potential to have adverse impacts.

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