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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Resourcing the Aichi biodiversity targets: AS first assessment of the resources required for implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020

Posted on: 18 October 2012
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The report by the High-Level Panel on Global Assessment of Resources for implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 provides a first assessment of the costs of meeting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020, drawn from underpinning research conducted by experts working on specific Targets or thematic ‘cluster’ groups of Targets. The assessment is a presentation of the range of actions and activities that would make a significant difference in the delivery of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the range of estimates for their associated resource needs.

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Cities and biodiversity outlook: Action and policy

Posted on: 18 October 2012
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This provides the summary of a global assessment of the links between urbanization, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Drawing on contributions from more than 120 scientists and policy-makers from around the world, it summarizes how urbanization affects biodiversity and ecosystem services and presents 10 key messages for strengthening conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in an urban context.

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Urban Nature Forum 2012. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 12-14 June 2012

Posted on: 18 July 2012
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The Urban Nature Forum was a conference series bringing together scientists, town planners, policy-makers, conservationists and other stakeholders to explore innovative approaches to urban biodiversity management, exchange knowledge, and advance collaborative activities. Good practices, new management tools, ground-breaking research and advocacy developments were showcased and discussed, as was the broader role of cities in paving a greener, more prosperous future. Presentations are available online.

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Independent Panel on Forestry: Final Report

Posted on: 5 July 2012
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The Independent Panel on Forestry, set up to advise the Government on the future of England’s forests and woodlands, has published its final report to Government. The report calls for the benefits of England’s woods and forests to be re-valued for all the services they provide. These include not only areas for recreation, but also clean air, clean water, habitats for wildlife, locking up carbon, shading in cities – even helping in flood reduction. Wood is the raw material for timber frame buildings, furniture, flooring, fuel, and of course paper. The report highlights the ‘triple bottom line’ that forestry delivers and calls for a revival of a woodland culture that appreciates how important trees are for people, for nature and the economy. The report also makes clear that the Panel believes the public forest estate is a national asset, which should remain in public ownership. The Panel recommends an evolution of the Forestry Commission. The new organisations should have greater financial freedoms and investment to generate even greater benefits for people, nature and the economy.

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Biodiversity indicators: 2012 assessment

Posted on: 29 May 2012
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The 2012 statistics on biodiversity indicators have been published by the today. The twenty-four indicators, in both the England and UK publications, provide an insight into the health of our natural environment. The indicators include the population status of key species, plant diversity, the status of priority species, habitats and ecosystems, protected sites, management of woodland agricultural land and fisheries, expenditure on biodiversity, and the amount of time given by volunteers to nature conservation activities.

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GBIF-ICLEI Best Practice Guide for Biodiversity Data Publishing by Local Governments

Posted on: 25 May 2012
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This best practice guide describes the tools, standards and infrastructures that are available to practitioners in local government for publishing biodiversity data, and explains when and how to use them. It also explains important principles that underlie the data publishing process.

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Living Planet Report 2012: Biodiversity, biocapacity and better choices

Posted on: 15 May 2012
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The ninth edition of WWF’s Living Planet Report has been published. It documents the changing state of biodiversity, ecosystems and humanity’s demand on natural resources; and explores the implications of these changes for biodiversity and human societies. The report highlights that current trends can still be reversed, through making better choices that place the natural world at the centre of economies, business models and lifestyles.

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Nurturing nature: Policy to protect and improve biodiversity

Posted on: 11 May 2012
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This report examines natural environment policy in England and the UK’s international contribution to protecting important habitats and biodiversity. It recommends policy measures to not just halt the decline in the state of the natural environment, but to restore and improve it.

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Posted on: 24 April 2012
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Launched in January 2012, the URBES project is a transdisciplinary collaboration project between 11 top research institutes in Europe and New York, as well as four urban case study areas, Stockholm, Rotterdam, Salzburg and Berlin. The project addresses significant scientific knowledge gaps on the role of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services for human well-being. It will pioneer the development of the TEEB- approach (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) in an urban context and be innovative in integrating monetary and non-­monetary valuation techniques, explore their governance implications and develop guidelines for implementation in urban landscapes. Capacity development instruments such as fact sheets and trainings workshops will be developed. The first fact sheets will be available in summer 2012. The trainings will be available for all European local authorities throughout 2013 and 2014.

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Communicate 2011. Bristol, 2-3 November 2011

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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Filed under: Events presentations

The 2011 proceedings from the annual ‘Communicate’ event, a conference for environmental communicators hosted by the British Natural History Consortium, are now available online. The proceedings are interactive, and include videos, downloadable presentations and transcripts. The conference brought together a mix of NGOs, media professionals, green business leaders, academics and policy makers to discuss and debate the latest issues in environmental communication. The conference addresses issues beyond climate change, last year including biodiversity, ecosystem services, population growth, under the general theme of Nature, People, Economics, but focusing on communication techniques and strategies applicable across the board.

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