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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Choosing indicators for adaptation monitoring and evaluation

Posted on: 7 February 2014
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Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has a critical role in informing and improving adaptation policies and activities. However, the inherent uncertainties of how the climate will change mean it is difficult to define, measure, and assess the achievements of an adaptation programme. Two guidance notes, from a series of three, are available online. Guidance note 1 identifies twelve challenges that make adaptation M&E difficult, and highlights strategies to address each. Guidance note 2 discusses how to identify appropriate indicators, and suggests ways to use indicators thoughtfully and well.

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C40 Mayors’ Summit. Johannesburg, 4-6 February 2014

Posted on: 7 February 2014
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This event was attended by Mayors, city officials, city experts and representatives of national and international organizations to share the challenges and successes their cities have experienced particular with regard to climate change and sustainable development. Many of the sessions can be viewed on video.

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Climate change and the UK marine leisure industry: Adapting to a changing world

Posted on: 5 February 2014
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The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership, the British Marine Federation and the Environment Agency have worked together to produce this Report Card which acts as a step-by-step guide to key climate change impacts and adaptation responses to support single and multi-site operators of boatyards, marinas and support services.

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Establishing and understanding post-2020 climate change mitigation commitments

Posted on: 4 February 2014
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A new international climate change agreement that will have legal force and be applicable to all countries is being negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The agreement is to be adopted by 2015 and come into effect from 2020. An effective agreement would include quantitative mitigation commitments from all major emitters and result in concrete actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while catalysing long-term transformations to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies. The aim of this paper is to explore what mitigation commitments put forward under the 2015 agreement might look like, what guidance might be agreed regarding the type of commitments proposed, and which “rules of the game” would need to be agreed before draft commitments for the post-2020 period are put forward. The paper outlines what ex-ante information would need to be provided in order to understand commitments, and explores whether guidance could take the form of “bounded flexibility” for the various dimensions describing mitigation commitments in order to provide a basis for post-2020 emissions accounting and tracking progress. It also describes possible stages of the process for establishing commitments for the 2015 agreement.

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Small island states and climate change

Posted on: 4 February 2014
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2014 has been designated the UN year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), This interview with Ronny Jumeau, Seychelles Ambassador for Climate Change and SIDS, Spokesperson for the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and former Seychelles Ambassador to the US, presents a compelling case for why SIDS are on the front lines of climate change, why adaptation action must be swift and strong, and why the threat to island nations extends well beyond their borders. 

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Flood resilience in Vietnam

Posted on: 4 February 2014
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In the city of Hoi An, Vietnam, the people show great resiliency in their ability to cope with natural disasters, especially flooding, which has been exacerbated by climate change and urban development. UN-Habitat has worked with the local government and other stakeholders to assess the climate change vulnerabilities and develop a resilience plan for the city. Watch the video to find out more.  

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How is climate change affecting migration – and how should policy-makers respond? London, 15 January 2014

Posted on: 27 January 2014
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Filed under: Events presentations

This event looked at at the latest evidence on the linkages between climate change and human displacement, and its social, economic and cultural implications. Videos of the event are available online.

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Urban climate adaptation and leadership: From conceptual understanding to practical action

Posted on: 17 January 2014
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The impacts of climate change are expected to create numerous challenges for cities. This report synthesizes key points raised in a series of discussions among “adaptation leaders” from fourteen cities around the world. Critical issues for urban adaptation that emerged from the discussions include the need for political commitment at multiple levels of government, information and data as a basis for understanding potential risks and vulnerabilities, meaningful and effective stakeholder engagement shaped by local contexts, and sustained financial and staff resources that are sensitive to urban variability. Further, the findings highlight how policy-makers and international organizations working with cities on issues of adaptation and resilience must support and facilitate processes of testing ideas, learning from experiences, and recalibrating as new information is obtained and lessons are learned.

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Reporting climate science

Posted on: 16 January 2014
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This resource was set up in 2010 with the aim of reporting on the latest research in climate science. Most of this research is consistent with the mainstream consensus on climate change; but some is not. It publishes reports irrespective of the implications they may have in the climate debate.

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Low carbon innovation in China

Posted on: 16 January 2014
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This new project, led from Lancaster University, is an international collaboration between researchers in the UK and at leading institutions in China to investigate different models of innovation and their role in low carbon transitions. Running from late 2013 to 2016, the project will compare government-led, high-tech ‘indigenous innovation’ approaches with emergent, lower-tech approaches in the areas of agriculture, energy and mobility. The project’s aim is explore the extent, nature and social implications of low-carbon transitions in China, a key concern for the whole world.

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