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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Public attitudes to nuclear power and climate change in Britain two years after the Fukushima accident

Posted on: 30 October 2013
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Research findings published by the UK Economic Research Council suggest that opposition to nuclear power in Britain has fallen since 2005, despite the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident that followed the devastating Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami on the 11th March 2011. The report describes the main findings of a nationally representative British survey conducted in March 2013. The results are contrasted with previous British surveys where possible, and cross-national comparisons are made with similar surveys carried out in Japan.

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Economics of climate change in East Asia

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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This regional study includes the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Mongolia and examines how strategies for adapting to climate change up to 2050 can be combined with measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in East Asia. Besides discussing climate model results for costs of adaptation in infrastructure, coastal protection, and agriculture, the study estimates costs for sector-specific mitigation options and the total abatement potential for 2020 and 2030. Long-term strategies for addressing the impacts of climate change in East Asia are explored with a focus on the linkages between adaptation and mitigation taking account uncertainty about key climate variables. Finally, it discusses opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness of some critical climate change policies such as regional carbon markets.

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The global landscape of climate finance 2013

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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This report argues that public policies, resources, and money are the ‘engine room’ of the climate finance system, and can alter the balance between risk and return in ways that drive the supply and demand for finance. Private capital flows into climate investments when public incentives and money make them commercially attractive by taking-off risk and reducing incremental costs. While many countries have policy frameworks that provide such incentives, significant capacity and incentive gaps remain.

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Measuring climate finance effectiveness: incomplete picture without the sub-national level

Posted on: 24 October 2013
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The author this blog comments on how the Overseas Development Institute and others are realising the importance of seeing the whole picture surrounding climate finance.

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The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030

Posted on: 16 October 2013
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This report from the Overseas Development Institute examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It maps where poor people are likely to live by 2030 and it develops a range of scenarios aimed at identifying potential patterns of vulnerability to extreme weather and earthquakes. The report considers how threats may change, which countries face the greatest risk and the role that disaster risk management plays.

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Climate Asia

Posted on: 16 October 2013
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Climate Asia is the largest ever study of people’s experience of climate change in seven countries, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. In 2012, Climate Asia surveyed more than 33,500 people in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. Using both quantitative and qualitative research, Climate Asia has built a picture of how people in the region live and deal with climate change. The Data Portal can be used to access this survey data by country and by region, read detailed reports of the findings, use the research tools, and discover how the data was analysed. This unique data provides information for governments, donors, the media, NGOs and everyone who wants to support people to adapt to the changing environment.

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Climate and carbon: Aligning process and policies

Posted on: 16 October 2013
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The international community has agreed to limit the average global temperature increase to no more than 2ºC above pre-industrial levels. This will require a gradual phase-out of fossil fuel emissions by the second half of this century. This report brings together lessons learned from OECD analysis on carbon pricing and climate policies. It recommends that governments ensure coherent policies surrounding the gradual phase-out of fossil fuel emissions and consistent signals to consumers, producers and investors alike.

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International threats and opportunities of climate change for the UK

Posted on: 15 October 2013
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The UK’s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has identified climate change impacts overseas as a threat to UK prosperity. The assessment comes as part of the government’s National Adaptation Programme, and looks at the impact of climate change overseas on UK trade and investment, food, health and well-being, energy and foreign policy. The report, undertaken by PWC, found that climate change impacts around the world could have a greater impact on the UK than from climate change at home. The main threats identified were: damage to physical and financial assets from extreme weather; increased frequency and urgency of humanitarian assistance; increased volatility in food prices; political or policy reactions affecting availability of food supplies; and increased demand for UK Government services by overseas territories and citizens abroad.

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An outline of technology Transfer at the UNFCCC and implications for land transport

Posted on: 14 October 2013
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Technology plays a critical role in effective global response to climate change. The success of developing countries in achieving their objectives for sustainable development in a climate-friendly manner relies on the effective development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies. Within the UNFCCC, the Convention urges developed countries to take all practicable and appropriate steps to promote, facilitate and finance the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to developing countries. The factsheet gives information on what the Technology Transfer (TT) is, Technology Transfer mechanism in Transport, and Relevance and Implications for land transport.

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Progress towards achieving the Kyoto and EU 2020 objectives

Posted on: 11 October 2013
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A report from the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the progress towards achieving the Kyoto and EU 2020 objectives.

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