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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Managing Climate Extremes and Disasters: Lessons from the IPCC SREX Report

Posted on: 19 April 2012
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The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) has launched a three part series of reports covering each of the Asia, Africa and Latin American and Caribbean regions. The reports highlight the scientific findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (known as ‘SREX’) for each region, and discuss the implications for society.  The SREX report itself was compiled over two and a half years by 220 expert authors and approved by representatives of governments around the world. The final 594 page report presents a global picture of how different forms of extreme weather events – ranging from high temperatures to heavy rainfall – are likely to become more common by the end of the 21st century, and are more likely to be caused by climate change. CDKN’s three ‘Lessons from SREX’ reports aim to make the findings more accessible for policy-makers, media, business and other stakeholders at a regional level.

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Communicate 2011. Bristol, 2-3 November 2011

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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The 2011 proceedings from the annual ‘Communicate’ event, a conference for environmental communicators hosted by the British Natural History Consortium, are now available online. The proceedings are interactive, and include videos, downloadable presentations and transcripts. The conference brought together a mix of NGOs, media professionals, green business leaders, academics and policy makers to discuss and debate the latest issues in environmental communication. The conference addresses issues beyond climate change, last year including biodiversity, ecosystem services, population growth, under the general theme of Nature, People, Economics, but focusing on communication techniques and strategies applicable across the board.

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Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum. Mainstreaming adaptation in development: Adaptation in action. Bangkok, 12-13 March 2012

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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This forum provided an occasion to share frontline findings and innovations, opportunities and challenges in mainstreaming climate change adaptation into development. It focuses on “adaptation in action” signifying a shift from deliberations to decisions, plans to policies and policies to practices. The forum aims to: showcase knowledge, practices and experiences; provide an interactive space to promote networking to maximize synergy, stimulate actions and facilitate experiential learning that supports the process of adapting to climate change; link local level adaptation initiatives with those at national and regional level. A summary of the event is available online.

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Building cities’ resilience to disasters: protecting cultural heritage and adapting to climate change. Venice, 19-20 March 2012

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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The aim of this event, organised by the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the city of Venice, was to: consider the key role played by disaster risk reduction measures and the protection of cultural heritage; explore climate change adaption policies and plans at local level; facilitate the sharing of good practices by Cities through direct exchanges; and build partnerships at local level, through the involvement of new actors. Presentations are available online.

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Paving the way for climate resilient infrastructure: Guidance for practitioners and planners

Posted on: 13 April 2012
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As part of UNDP’s support to El Salvador, an international conference on strategies for adapting public and private infrastructure to climate change was organized in San Salvador on 30 June 2010. The conference highlighted many of the issues related to increasing the climate resilience of infrastructure. Proceedings of the conference have been made available in a publication from the UN Environment Programme.

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Scope of carbon budgets: Statutory advice on inclusion of international aviation and shipping

Posted on: 5 April 2012
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The Committee on Climate Change has published its report on international aviation and shipping emissions, arguing that there is no longer any reason to exclude these from carbon budgets. In the report  the Committee conclude that the current approach should be formalised through the inclusion of these emissions in carbon budgets and the 2050 target. Emissions from international aviation and shipping were initially left out of carbon budgets and the 2050 target when the Climate Change Act became Law in 2008, with the decision on inclusion delayed to 2012. A technical report accompanies this advice, out scenarios for how the 2050 target to reduce emissions by 80% relative to 1990 levels can be achieved with international aviation and shipping included.

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Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation

Posted on: 30 March 2012
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a new report which focuses on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather and climate events, the impacts of such events, and the strategies to manage the associated risks. The report consists of nine chapters, covering risk management; observed and projected changes in extreme weather and climate events; exposure and vulnerability to as well as losses resulting from such events; adaptation options from the local to the international scale; the role of sustainable development in modulating risks; and insights from specific case studies.

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Hotting up? An analysis of low carbon plans and strategies for UK cities. Vol.1: Main findings

Posted on: 27 March 2012
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This research, published by the RICS, was carried out in 2011 to analyse how UK cities were engaging with the low carbon agenda with a particular emphasis on mitigation measures. The research: examines the background and legislative context for low carbon cities in the UK; draws comparisons between UK approaches and international  approaches where appropriate; critically reviews and compares low carbon plans (including climate action plans) in UK cities in terms of their timeframes, targets, and pathways to the future; identifies the drivers and barriers to implementing such plans; and highlights best practice and best ideas in low carbon cities. See also Volume 2: Appendices

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Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Posted on: 23 March 2012
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ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has released a draft edition of the Community Protocol which is designed to help cities around the world measure and report GHG emissions using a more consistent protocol. Comments are requested by 20 April 2012.

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European Climate Adaptation Platform (CLIMATE-ADAPT)

Posted on: 23 March 2012
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The Climate-ADAPT website, developed by the European Commission, is described as  the most comprehensive website for information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Europe. The website, to be managed by the Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA), is aimed at policy makers, engineers, planners and administrators, who can learn from the experience of others facing similar challenges and already carrying out adaptation actions elsewhere. To highlight the cross-cutting nature of adaptation to climate change, ClimateADAPT is related to other information systems the European Environment Agency manages in close collaboration with the Commission. These include the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, the Water Information System for Europe and the land use data centre.

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