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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Steel Construction Information System

Posted on: 5 November 2012
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A new online encyclopaedia containing steel construction information for those working with the material in the UK has been launched. Developed by the British Constructional Steel Association (BCSA), Tata Steel and the Steel Construction Institute (SCI), the site hosts downloadable editions of key documents, as well as featuring a range of discussion topics and useful links.

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Procurement and contract design in the construction industry… not one size fits all

Posted on: 2 November 2012
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A discussion paper from the International Transport Forum which considers the choice between different approaches to contract for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure projects. The need to control for user costs over the life cycle of an asset is demonstrated to be a core aspect of contract design. The more likely it is that a certain problem in the current infrastructure could be sorted out in several different ways, the more strongly should the tendering agency consider innovative design alternatives such as performance contracts of Public Private Partnerships. It is also demonstrated that contracts which cover both construction and subsequent maintenance must be accompanied by bonuses and penalties for remunerating or punishing the entrepreneur for delivering (or not) appropriate infrastructure quality.

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Green roofs

Posted on: 2 November 2012
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The provision of a green roof is increasingly becoming part of local government planning requirements, for example in Sheffield, where this programme was filmed, the council requires that new buildings in excess of 10,000m2 or of ten dwellings or more have 80 per cent vegetated cover. This programme looks at the different types of green roof and examines how they are made and maintained.

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Videos on facilities management and low carbon refurb

Posted on: 1 November 2012
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The Business provides directors and senior executives in the public and private sectors with documentary programmes that not only go to the heart of how businesses can grow strategically, but through the power of film provide expert advice to help in the planning and specification of the right business plans and products. The Business Channel focuses on the business challenges that matter today.

Facilities management: The business case

Within the economy, the FM industry has quietly turned itself into a major creator of value and jobs and by some estimates it is worth £120bn a year and is still growing. In our programmes we will be bringing our audience up to speed with the value that FM can create and how it can free up organisations to focus on their core strengths. We will define how FM encompasses the utilities that make a building work, such as energy and security, and the services that are needed to support a workforce. Taken as a whole we will look at the impact that FM can make and how your services or products can make a difference.

The low carbon refurb: The retrofit plan

This series of programmes is to provide a master class of expertise to help construction and building engineering organisations and CIBSE members refurbish and retrofit offices, plants, hotels, leisure and shopping centres, hospitals and schools with low carbon technologies and products. Contributors include CIBSE, the Carbon Trust and the UK Green Building Council.

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Castles in the air

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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Released by RSA, the UK’s largest commercial insurer, and the Centre for Economics and Business Research, this is described as a unique study of the future of UK commercial real estate (CRE) construction. It shows that the recession has led to a peak-to-trough decline of 42 per cent in CRE construction output, which closely follows GDP. In fact, between 2007 and 2011 the value of CRE construction activity fell by as much as 32 per cent from £41 billion to £28 billion. Looking forward, this figure is predicted to drop again in 2012 to £27 billion and is not expected to return to positive growth until 2014, when only a modest 0.3 per cent rise is anticipated – far below the rate of growth currently reported on a national level.

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Construction CO2e Measurement Protocol: A Guide to reporting against the Green House Gas Protocol for construction companies

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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The members of ENCORD (European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development) have developed a measurement protocol, along with partners from other like minded worldwide construction organisations, to detail the method to be used when measuring the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of an organisation within the construction sector. This document will be updated from time to time to take account of any new standards or changes to current methodologies.

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Journal of Information Technology in Construction

Posted on: 24 October 2012
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The Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal on the use of IT in architecture, civil engineering and facility management. ITcon articles are submitted and published electronically only. The Journal is committed to minimizing publication delays, and to promoting maximum flexibility in the ways that readers use the journal for teaching, research, and scholarship while maintaining strict peer-review standards. ITcon is an Open Access journal and its articles can freely and with no charge be read by anybody who has an Internet connection. The copyright of the articles remains with the authors, from the start of 2009. Issues are published on an annual basis, dating back to 1996.

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Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST)

Posted on: 23 October 2012
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The Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST seeks to help participating countries improve the value for money spent on the construction of public infrastructure. This goal is to achieve the delivery of good quality infrastructure projects at lower cost, with increased predictability of outcomes. The Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) has been introduced following a three-year pilot project. The UK was one of the pilot countries, where projects reviewed by CoST have been set out as examples of best practice, and give a strong basis for projections on potential savings. The UK Government has also committed to implementing CoST as part of its programme to reduce infrastructure costs by £2.5bn per annum. The organisations behind the initiative include the World Bank; the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC); the ONE Campaign and the Institution of Civil Engineers. They calling on international governments, as well as the global construction industry, to commit to incorporating CoST into all public construction projects to create a more transparent and accountable sector, leading to better infrastructure. The initiative has been adopted by eight participating countries around the world, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Philippines, Tanzania, Vietnam, Zambia, as well as the UK.

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Construction industry podcasts

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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The latest three episodes of the Construction Industry Podcast are:

Episode 32: Social Media for the A/E/C Sector with Amanda Walter 
Amanda is doing some great work applying social media strategies to the construction sector.

Episode 33: What Do You Know About The Demolition Industry?
An interview with Mark Anthony, the press officer for UK’s National Federation of Demolition Contractors and the guy behind the great website

Episode 34: All About Partnerships in the Construction Industry
Aarni Heiskenen from the website shares his expertise in consulting firms on the topic of partnering.  If you ever had to partner to get a job done in the construction sector or if you think about doing it in the future, you will want to listen to this interview.

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Foundation Facts: Autumn 2012

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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Foundation Facts reports on research and guidance carried out by the National House Building Council, showcasing the most recent publications and reporting on progress with new research projects.

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