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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Designing public sector interventions to mobilise private participation in low carbon development: 20 questions toolkit

Posted on: 30 May 2012
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This Working Paper from the Overseas Development Institute lays out a ‘20 Questions Toolkit’ for those in the public sector who are involved in designing interventions at the project and programme level, to assist them in effectively engaging the private sector in low carbon development.

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Principles and guidelines for engagement with indigenous peoples

Posted on: 22 May 2012
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The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established to provide resources to developing countries and countries with economies in transition to assist them in protecting and benefiting the global environment. The GEF is a financial mechanism for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), and related international agreements. The GEF also provides resources to assist countries to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change. GEF activities are incremental and build on baseline activities, often in areas related to the sustainable development of recipient countries. GEF has published this report in order to reaffirm the existing GEF Principles related to indigenous peoples, and to further elaborate new guidelines that provide additional clarity and practical guidance on the application of these policies to GEF Partner Agencies and all stakeholders interested in GEF-financed projects. The paper also establishes mechanisms through which the GEF will strengthen its engagement with indigenous peoples. The paper briefly describes the main concerns and desires expressed by indigenous peoples and other experts with respect to indigenous peoples’ engagement in GEF-financed projects and processes.

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Sustainable low-carbon city development in China

Posted on: 11 May 2012
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By embarking on a low-carbon growth path, China’s cities can help reach the country’s targets for reducing the energy and carbon intensity of its economy, and become more livable, efficient, competitive, and ultimately sustainable, according to a new report from the World Bank. The report aims to provide central government policymakers and those of municipalities, cities and townships in China with practical lessons on sustainable low-carbon development, based on the World Bank’s experience and its long-term relationship with many Chinese provinces and cities.

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Shanghai Manual: A guide for sustainable urban development in the 21st century

Posted on: 10 May 2012
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The Shanghai Manual is a resource on sustainable urban development to mayors, urban planners and decision-makers of cities around the world. The chapters of the Manual are used as training modules in workshops that are organized by UN/DESA training centers, such as the UN Center for Regional Development, as well as other capacity building entities. The publication contains many examples of innovative leadership and distills the lessons of experiences in sustainable urban development, providing practical advice on policies and best practices. The Manual does not present theoretical discussions, but is based entirely on practical solutions to real world challenges. It provides innovative ideas, tactics and solutions that have been successfully applied at the city level.

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Disasters a growing problem with differentiated impact

Posted on: 3 May 2012
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In this article, Debbie Hillier, Humanitarian Policy Adviser, Oxfam GB, argues that In order for development to be truly sustainable – economically, socially and environmentally – it must be resilient to disasters.

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Planet under pressure. London, 26-29 March 2012

Posted on: 3 May 2012
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Based on the latest scientific evidence, this conference aimed to provide a comprehensive update of our knowledge of the Earth system and the pressure our planet is now under. The event focused on the scientific community’s and the wider world’s attention on climate, ecological degradation, human well-being, planetary thresholds, food security, energy, governance across scales and poverty alleviation. The conference discussed solutions, at all scales, to move societies on to a sustainable pathway, and aimed to provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Rio +20 conference. Outcomes from the conference including recordings of the plenary sessions are available online.

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Drying up: What to do about droughts in the People’s Republic of China

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released a publication which explores the difficulties that China will face in supplying its cities with water and in managing more frequent and longer droughts in the face of climate change. A case study of the Guiyang Municipality in the Guizhou Province is presented to illustrate how demand management can be used to manage and prevent droughts and provide sustainable water supplies. The study looks at optimal infrastructure for management and sustainable supply, as well as ecosystem management.

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Practice In Participation

Posted on: 19 April 2012
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Practice In Participation is a joint venture of Asian civil society organisations committed to promoting participatory practices in the empowerment of excluded citizens worldwide. Focus is on maintaining and presenting a platform for archiving and creating a repository of ‘grey literature’, especially for community-based organisations. It is an invited space for practitioners to share their local knowledge and learn from others’ practical experiences, and participate in generation, production and dissemination of knowledge based on experiences from the field. Currently, the portal groups participatory practices around the themes of: institutional strengthening; learning and training; planning and budgeting; monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment; implementation and management; organizing and mobilization; and advocacy and dialogue.

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EU Sustainable Energy for All Summit. Brussels, 16 April 2012

Posted on: 19 April 2012
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The European Commission and the Danish Presidency of the EU Council hosted this event which brought together high-level representatives from the EU, the UN, developing countries, industry and civil society organisations committed to achieving sustainable energy for all by 2030. This ambitious goal was set by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2011. Information from the event is available online, including discussion papers, case studies and videos.

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Managing Climate Extremes and Disasters: Lessons from the IPCC SREX Report

Posted on: 19 April 2012
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The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) has launched a three part series of reports covering each of the Asia, Africa and Latin American and Caribbean regions. The reports highlight the scientific findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (known as ‘SREX’) for each region, and discuss the implications for society.  The SREX report itself was compiled over two and a half years by 220 expert authors and approved by representatives of governments around the world. The final 594 page report presents a global picture of how different forms of extreme weather events – ranging from high temperatures to heavy rainfall – are likely to become more common by the end of the 21st century, and are more likely to be caused by climate change. CDKN’s three ‘Lessons from SREX’ reports aim to make the findings more accessible for policy-makers, media, business and other stakeholders at a regional level.

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