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Shifting agendas: response to resilience

Posted on: 29 June 2012
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In this paper, which launched the 9th Brunel Lecture Series, Jo Da Silva, Director International Development at Arup, proposes that it is time for civil engineers to cease practising ‘the art of directing the great sources of power in Nature for the use and convenience of mankind’. Instead we should acknowledge the fundamental role we have to play in reducing the vulnerability of mankind. Whilst recent disasters have emphasised the limitations of international response. A new approach is required which prioritises creating resilient communities which are able to respond and adapt to changing circumstances and unexpected catastrophes. A video of the lecture is also online.

Acting today for tomorrow: a policy and practice note for climate and disaster resilient development in the pacific islands region

Posted on: 11 June 2012
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This policy and practice note presents some analysis and recommendations meant to inform disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) planning across a range of institutions at all levels. It grows out of extensive consultations with countries, regional organizations, and donors and other development partners, and it is addressed primarily to high-level policymakers and decision makers within them.

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Tackling exposure: Placing disaster risk management at the heart of national economic and fiscal policy

Posted on: 22 May 2012
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A new report from the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) argues that government and business leaders must respond swiftly and decisively to the latest climate change science, and anticipate extreme weather-related disasters as they undertake strategic policy and business planning. The report contains practical examples from which others can learn, including cases from Central America, Central Asia, Mexico, Nepal and the Caribbean, involving tools and methods related to risk assessment, risk financing options, sector-level mainstreaming and legislation.

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Handbook for local government leaders: How to make cities more resilient

Posted on: 18 May 2012
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This handbook provides mayors, governors, councillors and other local government leaders with a generic framework for risk reduction and points to good practices and tools that are already being applied in different cities for that purpose. It discusses why building disaster resilience is beneficial; what kind of strategies and actions are required; and how to go about the task. It offers practical guidance to understand and take action on the “Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient” as set out in the global campaign “Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready!”.

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Disasters a growing problem with differentiated impact

Posted on: 3 May 2012
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In this article, Debbie Hillier, Humanitarian Policy Adviser, Oxfam GB, argues that In order for development to be truly sustainable – economically, socially and environmentally – it must be resilient to disasters.

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Cities and flooding: A guide to integrated urban flood risk management for the 21st century

Posted on: 30 April 2012
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Published by the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Risk and Recovery, this new guide warns that urban flooding is “becoming more dangerous and more costly to manage because of the sheer size of the population exposed within urban settlements.” This guide provides forward-looking operational assistance to policy makers and technical specialists in the rapidly expanding cities and towns of the developing world on how best to manage the risk of floods. It takes a strategic approach, in which appropriate risk management measures are assessed, selected and integrated in a process that both informs and involves the full range of stakeholders. Chapters include: Understanding flood hazard; Understanding flood impacts; Integrated Flood Risk Management: Structural Measures; Integrated Flood Risk Management: Non-Structural Measures; Evaluating Alternative Flood Risk Management Options: Tools for Decision Makers; Implementing Integrated Flood Risk Management; Conclusion: Promoting Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management.

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Community based disaster risk reduction

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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ISBN 9780857248671 £82.95

Communities are at the core of disaster risk reduction (DRR), and community based approaches are getting increasing focus in national DRR plans. In the case of past disasters, communities were always the first responders, and took leading roles in the post disaster recovery. The roles of communities in pre-disaster preparedness are also very important. This is the first comprehensive book available on CBDRR (community based disaster risk reduction) which outlines both research and practice, citing field examples and research results. It provides an overview of the subject and looks at the role of governments, NGOs, academics and corporate sectors in community based disaster risk reduction. It proceeds to examine experiences from Asian and African countries, and concludes by looking ahead to the future perspective of CBDRR.

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Drying up: What to do about droughts in the People’s Republic of China

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released a publication which explores the difficulties that China will face in supplying its cities with water and in managing more frequent and longer droughts in the face of climate change. A case study of the Guiyang Municipality in the Guizhou Province is presented to illustrate how demand management can be used to manage and prevent droughts and provide sustainable water supplies. The study looks at optimal infrastructure for management and sustainable supply, as well as ecosystem management.

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Background paper for the Council of Europe’s report on resilient cities

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has adopted the resolution Making cities resilient based on the above report drafted by ICLEI Europe on behalf of the Congress. The new text supports the United Nations World Disaster Reduction Campaign. This initiative is aimed at raising awareness among citizens and local governments on the benefits of reducing urban risks, integrating the potential disaster risk into cities’ planning to protect critical infrastructure.

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Building cities’ resilience to disasters: protecting cultural heritage and adapting to climate change. Venice, 19-20 March 2012

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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The aim of this event, organised by the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the city of Venice, was to: consider the key role played by disaster risk reduction measures and the protection of cultural heritage; explore climate change adaption policies and plans at local level; facilitate the sharing of good practices by Cities through direct exchanges; and build partnerships at local level, through the involvement of new actors. Presentations are available online.

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